Chatper 2: Gryffindor Girls

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"Only a week in and we already have an essay on the negative effects of an Alihotsy Draught, and a quiz on its preparation!" Emma Elmsworth, one of Violets dorm mates, grunted as she thumped her books on the table where Violet sat, "I swear I'm going to kill Slughorn!"

"That's nothing," A voice came from behind them. It was Ginny Weasley emerging from the girl's dorm and into the Gryffindor common room, "Hermione tells me that the sixth years had to prepare Living Death during their first potion's class. Can I sit?" the ginger asked pointing towards the chair next to Violet.

"Yeah, sure." She answered, lifting her bag out of the way so Ginny could take a seat, then took a quill and parchment out and set them on the red and gold Gryffindor table cloth.

"Can someone remind me to tell Alyssa to do something with her toad," Emma said trying to concentrate on her Potion's manual, "Damn thing kept me up all night."

"You heard it too?" Both Ginny and Violet blurted together. All three girls let out a sigh, which was followed by laughter. When they had quieted down, Emma yawned loudly, which caused Ginny to snicker.

"Remember that time last year when you found her toad in your underwear drawer," Violet giggled, recalling the high-pitched screeches Emma emitted upon finding the slimy creature within her under garments.

"Or the time the thing had climbed into your bed, Emma!" Ginny let out a squeal of laughter.

"Haha...yeah it was hilarious." Emma said in a sarcastic tone from behind her book. Ginny, then, opened her mouth to tell another embarrassing story, but never had the chance to share it, for Emma shushed her, clearly not enjoying these recollections. "I for one am trying to get all my work done so I can relax during the weekend, and you two are being quite obnoxious, so if you don't mind..." the girl sneered looking back down at her manual. Violet held her hands up in an innocent position as though she had done nothing and Ginny's jaw dropped while her hand went to her chest as if to say 'Me?' Emma merely rolled her eyes, "Please, it's hard enough I have all this work to do, I don't need you lot distracting me."

"Sorry," Violet muttered, "We'll head somewhere else." The two girls grabbed their bags and books and started towards the exit. However, before they could step through, they were slowed down by a small group of people, who in their turn, were entering through the portrait hole.

"Hey guys." Ginny said happily as she skipped past.

"Hi Ginny." The three people answered. Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Violet gave them a friendly smile as she walked past, but none of them seemed to notice her except Hermione who returned the smile, but said nothing. Violet awkwardly exited quickly, leaving the red and gold banners and wallpapers of the Gryffindor common room behind her. It annoyed her how the "Golden Trio" and her weren't friends. Yes, Violet was a year younger, but so was Ginny! And the two girls had been very close friends since their second year, spending most of their Hogwarts life together. The least the others could do was remember her name or maybe say a 'hello' every now and then.

As the two friends walked, she shook away the annoyance. They made their way through the labyrinth of corridors within Hogwarts, towards the main courtyard. It surprised Violet how familiar everything was now. She had distant memories of herself wandering the corridors during her first years, spending great deals of time trying to find a classroom or common room and getting lost. Or the times she'd walk down a hallway and stumble upon another grand window she had never noticed before. She would gently plop her stuff down and stand in front of it gazing at the castle grounds. Everything was so new and unfamiliar back then, but now she knew the majority of the castle like the back of her hand. She has grown up the last five years at Hogwarts and it truly has become one of her homes.

As the pair passed the Great Hall, Ginny let out a gasp of excitement, pointing a finger at a flier that hung near the door.


Students, year five and up, holding an average above that of the class are given the opportunity of tutoring those of year three and below. Sessions will begin at the end of fall. Tutors will be assigned one or two students with whom they will meet two to three times a month. Extra credit will be given.

If interested please sign bellow:

-Hermione Granger

-Hannah Abbott

- Anthony Goldstein

"Violet, you should sign up!" Ginny said, quill already in her hand. Violet gave the witch a look, but Ginny pressed her finger under the words "extra credit".

"Alright," Violet sighed, but gave a lighthearted smile, "You have to sign up too, though."

Once the ginger had written both their names so illegibly that Violet was afraid no professor would know who it was, they continued down the corridor.

"Oh, Miss Ward!" a voice echoed behind them, pulling the young witches out of their conversation. "Miss Ward, there you are," said a relieved Professor McGonagall as she struggled to catch her breath. "Why aren't you in class?"

"In class?" Violet asked, confused, as she turned and looked at Ginny who shrugged, "Professor, we have two free periods."

"I'm afraid not, you have Defense Against the Dark Arts," the professor said straightening her glasses.

"No...we had Defense Against the Dark Arts this morning," Violet said as Ginny nodded.

"I don't mean your fifth year class. Surely I told you that you would additionally be taking sixth year Defense Against the Dark Arts." She said pulling the sleeve of her dark purple cloak aside in order to see her watch.

"No, you didn't, Professor," Violet said quite shocked.

"Oh...well, now you know," Professor McGonagall replied, looking up from her wrist and peering down at Violet through her tiny, framed glasses, "Well off you go."

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