Chapter 8: Breathless

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Two weeks, two full weeks, and the blond Slytherin never approached Violet. In Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, he would scarcely speak to her. During meals at the Great Hall, he has yet to bump into her roughly. Not a single remark, nor insult was slurred to her during the two quidditch matches that had occurred. Her last name had not been muttered with disgust between his clenched jaws. Two weeks without Draco Malfoy. Two weeks of peace.

However, these two weeks weren't as comfortable as one would expect. Underneath the light, and below the happiness, was something dark and heavy. Something, Violet couldn't see or notice, but it was there, weighing down on her subconsciously. As the days went on, this invisible darkness became slightly more apparent, yet did so with such a discreet manner that she couldn't understand what was coming over her.

It started off with a dryness in her throat as she left her 6th year D.A.D.A classes or tickling in her toes when she passed the Slytherin table at dinner. Nonetheless, it had now grown into an impulsive feeling inside of her. She constantly felt on edge, her bones always aching to get up, go somewhere, and do something, but she didn't know what or where. She always felt antsy, adrenaline pulsing in her figure tips. The girl never felt at ease.

"Violet..." a voice called, "Miss Violet Ward, please pay attention!"

She looked up meeting eyes with Professor Flitwick, one of the only Professors that always referred to her by her first name, "Er...yes, sorry," she mumbled realizing she'd been sitting on the very edge of her chair and gazing out the window. She shifted back onto her seat, pulling her parchment and wand closer to herself.

"As I've said before, I see Charms as a slightly lighter subject than Transfiguration, which is very hard work. With Charms there is a little more leeway for a little more personal creativity — With Transfiguration you have to get it exactly right, Transfiguration is more scientific" Flitwick said continuing his speech and turning back to the class. "This can be used to ones advantage, but also may lead to their down fall. You see it is that imagination that allows a witch or wizard to add strength to their charm, to manipulate it in order to get a task done exactly as it is wished. However, if one lacks creativity, or if one is merely having a bad day, a charm will be executed with much less control and power. This cannot be taught from a book, but found within the individual and..." Violet blinked as she struggled to follow the lesson, " far this year we have been learning how a ..." she clenched her fist, forcing herself from drifting into the depths of her thoughts once again, "...take note of this, it will be very important for your O.W.L's. There will be most definitely questions like these..." Violet started tapping her feet on the stone floor, energy throbbing in her legs. She needed to get out of this class. She need to leave and go there, but where was there? Where did she need to go?

"Violet, will you please join the class." Professor Flitwick said adjusting his round glasses and staring at her dancing feet, "If you're so interested in the drums, then you should have joined my school band."

"Sorry," she said looking down and stilling her feet. With a huff, the goblin-wizard continued his course.

When the old bronze bell rung from outside, signaling the beginning of a new hour and the end of this class, Violet practically jumped out of her seat, only to be stopped by Professor Flitwick.

"Violet, a word please," the part-goblin said mounting his special long legged chair at his desk and gathering his papers. Violet stopped, letting the other students push past her until there was no one else in the room. Flitwick beckoned her closer, but she didn't move. She needed to get out of this class. Flitwick stayed silent for a bit, running his fingers along the edge of his thick brown moustache, then spoke with a sigh.

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