Chapter 3: Defense Against the Dark Arts With the Ferret

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The young witch scurried down the corridor. Violet's book bag dung into her shoulder and she new it would leave a red mark, but she did not stop to fix it. She frantically turned a corner, catching a quick glimpse of the clock tower from out the window. A quarter past eleven, I'm not too late, she thought.

Sixth year Defense Against the Dark Arts...Violet was still shocked, yet very exited. In fact, if she wasn't so pressed on time, the girl would had stopped and jumped in glee. At the end of her 4th year, Violet had nervously walked up to McGonagall's office and used all her Gryffindor courage to ask for an addition D.A.D.A. class the following year. Being quite certain McGonagall would not approve the idea, Violet had written a hopeful letter to Dumbledore a few days later. However, never did she once believe it would happen.

The girl turned another corner and pranced happily down the last stretch of corridor until she was face to face with a large, wooden, classroom door. Suddenly, Violet's excitement had gone away. She nervously put her hand on the cold doorknob, but did not move any further. Miss Ward, you're late. 10 points from Gryffindor. She could already hear Snape scolding her. Finally, deciding it was no good just standing there, each second slipping away and increasing her tardiness; she pushed open the door.

"Ah Miss Ward." Professor Snape spoke as the door creaked, his back turned to her, and his eyes never leaving whatever he was jotting on the black board. All the heads in the classroom turned towards her. She scanned the room trying to recognize any of the Gryffindor sixth years. She spotted Parvati sitting with Hermione, who had been the only one not to turn around and was scribbling down notes on her paper, at the front of the room. A couple seats away Violet saw Harry and Ron; they looked at her, then looked down at each other and whispered something she could not make out. Nearest her, by the door, were Neville Longbottom and Dean Thomas. Longbottom gave Violet a confused smile. The witch also recognized a couple Slytherins such as, Pansy Parkinson, Milicent Bulstrode, Vincent Crabbe, and a few others she could not remember the names of.

"Sorry, Professor, for my tardiness," Violet said, stepping into the room, "I only just found out this-"

"No need..." Professor Snape began, cutting her off, "...for excuses, Miss Ward." He said lingering at the end of each word and then pausing. "Please, take a seat." As the man spoke his mouth stayed awfully still, only it's corners moved and his face showed a blank expression, making it impossible for Violet to determine if he was mad or not. Of course, this being her fifth year at Hogwarts, she had gotten used to Snape's monotone ways.

Awkwardly, Violet turned and looked around the room, her book bag still painfully hanging at her shoulder. All the seats were occupied, well all except for one...

"Miss Ward," Professor Snape sighed turning back to the black board, "There is a free seat next to Mr. Malfoy, unless of course, you would rather stand for the duration of class."

Taking a deep breath Violet heaved her bag higher up her shoulder and walked down the aisle towards the desk Malfoy sat at. When she got there, the blond only spared her a glance before looking back down at his parchment. Letting out a sigh, she sat. Then, the girl reached down and grabbed her writing supplies, and tucked her bag under her seat. Bringing her hand to her red shoulder, Violet rubbed, feeling some relief. She peered around the room not quite sure what they were supposed to do, and being the fifth year in the room, she was too timid to ask anyone.

"We're supposed to be copying the lesson page 45," Malfoy sneered, noticing her discomfort and taping his manual with his quill.

" didn't get a manual," Violet whispered shyly. Malfoy didn't say anything for a bit and Violet just sat there, fiddling with her quill. Finally, Malfoy let out an annoyed breath and nudged the book with his elbow so that the two of them could read the lesson.

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