Chapter 30

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I switched the safety and closed my eyes. I pictured Ashton in my head. Her long brown hair and the dimples she gets when she smiles.

With a ghostly smile I slipped my finger over the trigger.

"That's it Daytona. Do it. Save Ashton."

Bang. Bang.

Someone knocked on the door and it startled me, causing me to shoot the wall on my left.

Colton walked up to the door, unlocked it, and swung it open. "What the fuck do you want?" He was pushed back into the room by large hands and then someone else walked into the room.

When he spotted me, Logan's eyebrows knitted together, "Daytona– what're you doing? Put that gun down."

"You're, you're alive?"

"Of course I'm alive, now put the gun down." He took a step towards me and I raised it back up to the side of my head.

"I can't Logan, I'm sorry, but I can't put it down." I clenched my eyes shut and slid my finger over the trigger again.

"That's right Daytona. Do it to save her. You can still fix everything." Colton said. I nodded my head and a tear slipped out.

"I'm sorry Logan, I-i love you."

"No! Daytona!" Logan charged and launched himself at me, knocking us both to the ground. It hurt like hell, but I missed the shot. It hit the ceiling this time. "Don't leave me. I can't loose you too Day." His tears landed on my cheeks and I found myself crying too.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I kept repeating those words over and over, and at some point I laid the gun down on the floor.

"No!" Colton roared, "You're going to die tonight whether it be by your hand, or my hand." He raced to the gun but Logan got it first. He raised it and shot Colton in the foot.

Colton fell to the ground with a yell of pain.

"Let's get out of here." Logan whispered. Quickly he planted a kiss on my lips and then he untied the ropes that were binding my legs to the chair and picked me up bridal style.

Even while we were running though the empty halls, I kept looking back, waiting for him to come around the corner and finish me off.

Everything that had happened this weekend felt like it was straight out of a teen fiction book– it all seemed so unreal.

I wrapped my arms around Logan's neck and cried into his shoulder. I didn't even know how it was possible that I was still crying or that he was alive. "How're you alive?" I asked him.

"What do you mean Day? Why wouldn't I be alive?" He wiped the tears from my face.

"I saw you and Mason. Y-you guys were dead." I saw Logan's eyes harden and he pushed open a door leading us outside. The cool air was both refreshing and freezing. I shivered in my place in Logan's arms and he tightened his grip on me.

Just up ahead, I could see two cars parked along the street. One was Jake's car, and the other one I had never seen before.

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