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chapter one | apricot colored

Hoseok didn't like talking, because when he did the words would collide and repeat like a broken record. Which resulted in him being laughed at and left his eyes watery.

His words ended up being spilled milk, messy and bothersome.

"See you later, hun, I love you," Hoseok's mother's voice called out, her words soft and breezy. Hoseok admired the way his mother talked, with such ease and always with the most calming tone.

"I-I love you t-t-too." He didn't look back when rushing out the door. He didn't want his mother to see his glassy doe eyes.


Hoseok was late. A full ten minutes late.

Hoseok had never been late before.

It wasn't his fault though, he blamed it on the cute stray cat with its enchanting yellow eyes and soft orange fur.

He saw it purring on the side of the street, almost as if it was asking for something to digest.

And so he did the brightest thing he could think of.

He went across the street where consequently a pet shop stood. He went in with only the intent of buying necessities for the stray and ended up prowling the aisles, gazing at all the fishes and colorful birds.

"Hi, birdies! H-How are y-you?" He had asked an eastern bluebird with wings that could have rivaled the ocean.

A new bowl for food and water, a toy, and a small bag of cat food later he came back to the apricot-colored feline. Hoseok had used his own water bottle to fill the bowl and poured the cat food in the other.

A small gasp left his lips when he realized something, "I forgot to get a-a bed."

He looked at the feline that looked back with a tilted head. He whispered apologies to the feline as if he was expecting a reply. After he felt the cat rub its head against his leg purring in content. A smile found it's was to Hoseok's lips. He unwrapped his scarf that was around his neck and folded it trying to make his own small bed.

Good enough, he stood up fixing the straps of his backpack, "bye kitten."

Hoseok gave the stray one last long stroke down it's back, promising to come back after school.

And that's how he was late, good thing he always made sure to leave his house earlier than needed.

He rushed through the campus grounds praying he wouldn't have to explain why he was late to his teacher. Pulling out his phone to check the time, while his feet were still moving on his own was a mistake.

He ran into a hard chest, undoubtedly a person. His phone falling from his hands. Hoseok's nose scrunched up while he backed away embarrassment flooding his body.

Hoseok didn't want to face the person he ran into, "I'm sorry, I-I did-didn't mean t-to."

Pulling the sleeves of his color blocked windbreaker over his hands Hoseok tried swallowing his anxiousness. He looked up at this mystery person and let out a small gasp of surprise when he noticed who it was.

Min Yoongi, Hoseok's secret crush. Hoseok had just run into his crush. With widening eyes Hoseok quickly grabs his phone wanting to leave the situation as soon as possible.   

"S-Sorry," he mumbles again cursing at himself for his stutter. He could feel hot watery tears threatening to leave his eyes before dashing off to his class.

"Wait!" Yoongi turns around wanting to speak to the pretty boy he had just met. But he was too late, the small boy was gone.

He sighs but smiles nevertheless. Cute, his smile drops, god I need to stop hanging out with Jackson. He then walks off with no intention of going to class.

yes, hoseok is smaller than yoongi in this fic because I can

also this sucks sorry

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