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chapter two | money

Hoseok let out small pants trying to get a hold of his breath and take a moment to process what had just happened. His pretty heart-shaped lips fell apart and his hands tugged further on his windbreaker making sure they were well over his hands. Sweater paws gave him a small strange sense of comfort.

"Oh, you idiot," he whispered to himself finally realizing what he had done. He had bumped into and stuttered in front of his crush.

Idiot, idiot, idiot, he thought. His lips dragged itself into a pout, a million thoughts racing through his head.

Now how was he supposed to go to class?


Yoongi grumbled annoyed and tired. He made his way down the halls and to his class with a teacher behind him.

Well, it wasn't really a teacher more like the choir teacher's aid that no one really liked, especially Yoongi. It seemed like Mr. Yin paid the wrong kind of attention to him.

Yoongi was bitter, the one time he decides to skip his first period with Jaebum and Taehyung he gets caught by his least favorite 'teacher'.

Now Mr. Yin hadn't said much (although Yoongi was waiting for it) yet the smug smirk on his face made Yoongi want to say something witty but would probably get him in more trouble. Yoongi wasn't particularly in the mood to see the principal today.

"You never have anything good to do, do you, Mr. Min?"

Ignoring the comment Yoongi finally takes a step in his homeroom.

"Caught this one trying to ditch," the man who brought Yoongi's in says to the one holding the class, "now in my opinion-"

"Thank you, Mr. Yin, but I will handle it from here," Mrs. Brenton cuts off the other.

She was surprised to see Yoongi and slightly disappointed yet she did not tolerate people interrupting her class.

Shocked, Mr. Yin to takes his leave probably to try and annoy someone else Yoongi thought.

"And you, I will talk to you after class, now go take a seat next to Hoseok it's the only one left," she slightly nudges him with a small smile on her face.

He nods, looking for someone with an empty set beside them. He spots the pretty curly haired boy writing something, perhaps not paying attention to a thing. Walking over he's careful not to disturb the smaller boy.

Hoseok noticed Yoongi from the moment he walked in. It had made his cheeks a bright red seeing him so he did the best he could from distracting himself. His foot bounced up and down a habit Hoseok had picked up from Jungkook, a close friend of his.

Once class started again Hoseok did as usual. Although he'd never admit he was stealing glances at the boy next to him. Hoseok took notes writing anything he felt that was important and, occasionally, biting his lips to keep him from answering questions his teacher asked the class.

If only he had the voice and confidence to speak up.

Only, throughout the lesson, he missed the lingering looks he got from Yoongi.


Lunch soon rolled over and Hoseok was ecstatic, he wanted to tell his friends about the encounter in the morning even though it probably wouldn't be the brightest idea.

"Hey, Seok," Youngjae chirped when Hoseok sits down at the lunch table.

Hoseok happily waves in response, his dimples showing slightly.

"Ugh, you're literally so cute it's unfair," Jimin groans feigning annoyance once he arrives to the scene.

"N-Not true," he mumbles.

"Jin?" Youngjae asks Jimin.

"Sick, Bam's out for some reason, and Kook's probably getting head from Taehyung," Jimin sighs dramatically, "or maybe it's the other way around you never know with those two."

"Eww." Hoseok's nose scrunches up in disgust at the thought of his friends doing something unholy.

He watches as his friends talk about gossip occasionally joining to voice his opinion and laugh at new rumors spreading.

"Hey, guys." Jungkook arrives a while later.

"And Taehyung?" Youngjae asks a while after he's settled.

Jungkook slurps his milk loudly before answering, "I told him to hang out with his friends," he gestures to a table a ways away.

The four friends look to where Jungkook's pointing and sure enough sits Taehyung, Im Jaebum, Jackson Wang, and Min Yoongi. True eye candy for all the girls sitting at tables close by.

"You didn't hear it from me but Jaebum could like, get it," Youngjae noted turning back to his friends.

Jimin nodded in agreement, "He is hot."

Jungkook shakes his head at the two, "I don't even know if he swings that way."

"Oh! I b-bumped in-into Yoongi uh earlier," Hoseok announces to his friends who have suddenly turn all ears.

"Tell us everything," Jungkook states with a smirk.

After retelling the story immediately he regretted opening his mouth.

"Oh my boy finally talking to his crush," Jimin dramatically wipes his eyes with his napkins.

"Hey! I-l can talk t-to h-him." Jimin gives him a challenging look and then smirks.

He can remember so many times when Hoseok had the chance to talk to Yoongi yet never took it. Probably scared of messin up in front of his crush Jimin guesses.

"Hoseok, you just made a mistake," Youngjae whispers.

Jimin holds his head high as if he knows he'd win, "alright then I dare you to compliment him tomorrow and if you can't you owe me five dollars."

Hoseok's eyes immediately go wide, "I-I can't d-do that!"

Jimin shrugs waiting for him to change his mind while he sips his milk.

After a couple of minutes of torturous silence Hoseok breaks.

"Fi-Fine! But if-if I win I-I get money."

Jimin feels like he just won a million bucks.

long and unnecessary but oh well lol at least I updated

this story has no plot yikes

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