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chapter thirteen | ink and ice cream

"So are you two official yet or what?"

Hoseok, who had been happily munching away at his banana bread, chokes. Small pieces of bread fly into his lap as he tries to cough and simultaneously swallow it down. Youngjae pats his back and shoots Jimin a glare.

The boy rolls his eyes, "it was a valid question."

Jungkook head pops up from where it was on Taehyung's shoulder, "did they at least fuck yet?"

Hoseok's pink cheeks and annoyed look is an answer.

Hoseok doesn't know how to answer the question. Are they dating?

Seokjin sighs, "so he'll give you snacks, you go to each other's houses, he compliments you all the time, he lets you sit on his lap...and you still aren't dating?"

Hoseok bites his lip, "well- I don't, um, no?"

"So you are dating?"

Hoseok shrugs.

The whole table collectively sighs.

"That boy needs to get his shit together."

Taehyung scoffs, "Yoongi would rather come home with f's then ask Hoseok out."

Bambam, just catching up on the drama, on one of the rare days he attends school asks why. He thinks it's clear Hoseok's pretty enamored with him.

Taehyung trips over his words and his eyes fly to Hoseok, "I... I don't know."

Then the group's topic moves on.

Hoseok notices how Jungkook's face had turned sour when Taehyung spoke. He pulled the other boy down to whisper and Taehyung shakes his head and whatever he says.


Hoseok's phone vibrates on the table. The background is of Seongi and a single message from Yoongi is covering her eyes.

He inwardly celebrates.

Yoongi and Hoseok are shoulder to shoulder walking down the street.

They had come out of the small ice cream store because Hoseok wanted something to snack on. He was torn between getting a cup or a cone and ended up choosing the latter because he would be able to put little gummy bears on top of strawberry ice cream. Yoongi's serving was smaller than his and was a simple coffee flavored one. He smiles watching Hoseok happily chew away.


He hums against his spoon.

Hoseok rocks back and forth on his feet unwilling to look him in his eyes, "c-can I try?"

"Try mine?"

He nods.


The boy breaks out into a tiny gasp, with a bright smile he takes his spoon to scoop into Yoongi's cup. He savors the deep flavor.

"Good?" Yoongi asks, voice as soft as ever when it comes to him.

"Mhm! Suits you!"

When they arrive at their set place, Hoseok swallows. The windows are covered in pretty designs and the name has a funny font.

When they walk in it's not at all what Hoseok expected.

There's soft music playing in the back and the walls are covered with music posters and there's a jukebox in the corner someone's using. The front desk is small and has checkered patterned tile all around it. The chairs are silver stools around it with white padding. The booth-like sections have a little rack that could probably be full of jewelry and pretty pink seats. Hoseok thinks it looks like a 1950's diner would look like.

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