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chapter three | "i like your face"

Hoseok rocked back and forth on his feet, waiting for his friends to arrive. He hummed an upbeat tune, a small smile playing at his lips.

Fixing his uneven backpack straps, Hoseok, was not prepared to get pushed. He slightly lost his balance causing him to catch his breath.

Pouting he turns to the person who had pushed him.

"Watch where you're going," the girl he recognized to be, Jeongyun.

He tried to stammer out a reply but he just got cut off.

"I-I-I d-didn't," she mocked, "you didn't what? Talk right, will you?"

Her and the friend next to her, Chaeyoung laughed at his poor effort to stand up for himself.

He could feel his eyes burn with salty tears and his throat close.

"Leave him alone, Jeongyun." Hoseok turns around to find three other girls, one who had a pale man's arm around her.

"This is none of your business, Chung Ha," Jeongyun recounters.

"You're the one who ran into him," a girl standing next to her adds.

"You should be saying sorry," the last one  declared, eyes fiery.

Hoseok could feel the three girls and the boy close in on them, he thought maybe to frighten both Chaeyoung and Jeongyun.

They made Hoseok feel slightly intimidated.

"Yeah, whatever," she spat and walked away.

"They never stop, do they?" the boy, whose name Hoseok didn't know shook his head.

"I'm Hyojong or you can call me E'Dawn," he said.

"It's Sunmi." She bowed her head slightly.

"Hyuna," her blood red lips gave him a small smile.

"I'm Chung Ha, are you okay?" The last one said.

"Y-Yeah, I'm, uh okay, th-thank you f-for that," Hoseok whispered shyly.

"No problem, what's your name pretty boy?" Sunmi asked.


"Well, Hoseok would you like to get some snacks with us? We were on our way to the vending machine," Hyuna offered.

"Sure!" Hoseok gave her a bright smile, one that could rival the sun she thought.

He decided his friends could wait a bit.


Taking a tiny bite from his Snickers Hoseok seated himself at an empty desk. He was a little early and class hadn't begun yet and Hoseok thought back to the deal he made with Jimin.

Should he just give up now and give the money to Jimin at lunch?

Even the thought of speaking to Yoongi made him uneasy, and he was supposed to compliment him?

He was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't notice who walked to the seat next to him.

"Can I sit here?"

Startled Hoseok looks up with doe eyes.

Speak of the devil it was Min Yoongi himself. The boy wore a gray sweatshirt and ripped black jeans, an earphone hanging from his left ear.

Stop staring!

"Mhmm," Hoseok hummed, slightly nodding his head.

Yoongi gave him a gummy smile before sitting down and god, Hoseok could've died right then and there.

Yoongi could've sat anywhere else in the classroom but it was the first seat he saw plus he sat next to the small boy yesterday.

He didn't sit there to talk and look at the lovely boy, no, it was just because it was the first one he saw.

Yeah, that was it, Yoongi decided, no other reason. 

Hoseok fiddled with the wrapper of his candy and bit his lip. What if he did do the dare?

He could finally prove Jimin wrong, the money was a bonus.

He didn't know what changed his mind but taking the last bite of his Snickers Hoseok thought, fuck it.

"I l-like your s-s-sweater," Hoseok said quietly, his eyes lowering to his hands.

Part of him prayed Yoongi didn't hear him.

Hoseok praised himself though, he rarely had this much confidence.

Maybe it was the Snickers.

"I like your face."

Did he hear that right?

And it was true, Yoongi truly admired Hoseok's features, his parted, pouty lips and how his bright eyes shimmered with slight innocence and stars you couldn't find in the dark, night sky. Yoongi thought he was the prettiest boy he's ever seen.

"Oh!" Startled Hoseok never thought he'd get that reply.

He could feel his cheeks redden a bright vermilion and again pulled at his sleeves full of embarrassment. Compliments made his stomach naturally feel funny but coming from his crush, it felt like he had a whole damn zoo in his stomach.

Maybe it was the start of a good day.

im so close to deleting this book i-

i need sleep

dont forget to stream persona and remember

jung hoseok is not a top

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