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chapter seven | an 80's movie

Yoongi had no idea what he was doing.

Was he lost?


Did he care?

Not one fiber in his being did.

He bit down on the cherry flavored lollipop and then flicked the stick like a cigarette in a nearby bin. The halls of his school were almost empty as most students either crashed at lunch of dozing off in classes.

He pulled out his phone and turned the corners, he didn't look up until he heard a weird thumping sound.

Yoongi gazes up and saw Jung Hoseok pouting and struggling to get something out of the vending machine.

Looking around, Yoongi realized he may have been going in circles.

Hoseok's eyebrows curled, he stood up and again lightly kicked the machine.

Min Yoongi saw a perfect opportunity.

He fixed his suede black hat, took a deep breath and waltzed over to Hoseok.

He realized he didn't know what to say.

"Uh, it's not working again?"


Hoseok hummed, he hadn't turned to see who was beside him and pushed his foot with force against the machine.

"What are you trying to get?"

Yoongi was just trying to make awkward conversation at this point.

"T-The um chips," he pointed to a bag of hot Funyuns, Hoseok didn't take his eyes off the bag.

"Maybe, you could just-"

Hoseok finally turned to look at him and let out a strangled noise.

He coughed to cover it up.

Yoongi hit the side of the cursed machine, hopeful.

Nothing came down.

He did it again. Harder this time.

The chips did not move an inch, it sat hanging by a thread.

Yoongi turned red.

Hoseok smiled and then copied Yoongi's movement on the glass.

Still, nothing came down.

Hoseok huffed and shoved his fist in his jacket. A good waste of two dollars.

Hoseok looked at Yoongi and shrugged cutely.

A girl, with pitch-black hair in two braids and a nose ring, passed them by and laughed, "everyone knows that machine only eats your money."

Well, not these two. (Yoongi's excuse to himself was that he never uses the vending machines.)

"So, are you going to lunch?"

Hoseok shakes his head and took one last look at the vending machine.

He takes a deep breath, "outside. It-It's pretty, um, o-out there."

He exhales shakily.

It takes all of Hoseok's control not to stutter more than he did, his fingers dig into his palms. They probably left indents on his soft hands.

It had been raining all morning and the sky was a dim gray, the air smelled strongly of wet dirt. It was chilly but the cold picked at your skin in a relaxing way.

Unaware of what to say next, Yoongi nods, he wasn't the best with words.

"Y-Y-You can-" it takes Hoseok's second so say his words because he hates stuttering, "come with."

It almost hurts when he tries talking normally, he bites his lip.

Yoongi almost frowns seeing him like that. The boy's worrisome, but he's trying. He notices the struggle with words toppling out of his red lips.

When Yoongi agrees, they walk together. It's quiet but it's a nice, comforting quiet.

Yoongi makes sure not to make accidental touches but he's close enough to where he can see the sparkles in the aforementioned's eyes.

They sat together on the bleachers, other students were spread out but there weren't many of them. Yoongi's back was towards an end and his legs on either side of the bench. Hoseok was in front of him, sitting correctly.

"Are you going to Jungkook's party?" Yoongi asks.

Hoseok bites his granola bar and shrugs.

"You should, it's his birthday."

Hoseok huffs and shakes his head.

"Suit yourself, but it'd be nice to have you."

Hoseok doesn't meet his eyes but his cheeks turn redder than before and aren't because of the weather.

"Par-parties are only um f-f-fun if you're dr-dru-dunk."

"Then, drink."

Hoseok shakes his head again.

Yoongi gets an idea and fishes through his backpack for something. Hoseok watches him, curiosity bubbling in him.

Yoongi pulls out a Sprite can, "soda?"

Hoseok's eyes widen with a nice surprise and nods, "yes, p-please."

In the end, they drink soda and share a bag of chips Yoongi had forgotten he bought before school started, on the bleachers, with a gray cloud that looks like something out of a movie. (If it's anything, they both felt as if they were in a cheesy rom com from the set in the 80's.)

the chapter's way overdue, i know. school's leaving me exhausted.

cliche party next chapter?

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