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chapter eight | gummies and parties

Hoseok made a mistake.

From the moment he walked into the large doors of his friend's house in stiff clothing. His fingernails dipped into his hands as he heard the loud music. The only parts of the house that seemed exuberant were the backyard and living area. Hoseok wanted to stay out of both.

He surely loved his friend, no doubt wanting to support him on his big day however, Hoseok could think of better ways to celebrate.

He hung around the corner, his friends had left him the second the doors opened. He wore a long sleeve shirt that showed the perfect angles of his collarbones with pants that carried a slit in the knee, simple but he didn't have time for a makeover.

His friends had barged into his room demanding he go to the party, and Hoseok willingly listened, the words of Yoongi rang in his ear, "it'd be nice to have you."

Hoseok thinks he probably didn't mean it, but he went anyway.

Then, here he was, a red untouched solo cup in his hand and awkward posture standing out.

Hoseok glances around, he could see the pool full of people from the glass doors, people laughing and having fun. Hoseok wanted that.

He chugged down his drink, grimaced and walked himself into the kitchen.

The stammering boy found a group of teens gathered around the table, with cards and money in the middle. They were shouting words in Spanish. He also found two silver bags lay on the kitchen island, one opened.

Curious, he takes a look in the bag and simpers.

They were gummy bears, abnormally larger than usual, but still gummy bears.

He scans the sticker on the bags hastily, his dirty brown eyes only caught a couple of words.

Infused, take with caution, wonderful.

Someone from the table calls out to him in an accent, "Hey, man, you might not-"

Hoseok doesn't hear him instead he fills his mouth with gummies. They give him a rush instantly.

"Nadie me escucha," the same voice says.

This was going to be a long night.


Later, when Hoseok was pleasantly delirious, he notices a familiar face.

His vision was blurry but he could make out the face, he smiled widely.


Hoseok squirmed uncomfortably.

"Hey, Hoseok, I thought you weren't coming."

He shakes his head rapidly, "Came f-f-fo-for y-you." He points at him and sticks his finger in his chest. Then, he nods like he's confirming it in his head.

Yoongi doesn't let the information register in his head, instead, he takes note of the boy's weird demeanor.

"Do you know where your friends are?"

He shakes his head, "only uh, um tha-that the weird man's b-b-been staring at m-me." He whispers the last part and noticeably tilts his head in the way of the person and sticks his tongue between his teeth. "Like cake, I-I am no c-cake."

Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed and he looks himself, Hoseok was right. A man a little too old to be at a highschool party stands in a corner, his eyes attached to Hoseok.

"Right, Yoongi?"

The taller makes up his mind quickly and slips his hands around Hoseok's waist. He nods to the boy.

"Alright, c'mon," he orders and Hoseok obeys, following to wherever he leads.

Yoongi takes him upstairs and the boy answers his unvoiced question.

"Yoongi, Yoongi, y-y-y'know I ate th-these really re-really good," he had trouble getting out words here, "g-g-gummies, and b-because gummies are my fav-favorite I ate all of-of them y'know."

The aforementioned knew exactly what he was talking about, Seokjin had given those candies to Jungkook as a present and he must've left them out somewhere.

Yoongi hums and takes a mental note of Hoseok's favorite candy.

When Yoongi finally finds an empty room Hoseok flings himself on the mattress. He tried to talk but Yoongi couldn't decipher the words between his lips and the sheets.

Yoongi does lay next to him in stillness for a while, trying to steady his heartbeat. Hoseok keeps shuffling but he's quiet too.

Sighs escape Yoongi's lips, he sits up and ruffles his hair unsure of what to do next.

He sits in a criss-cross position now, the nerves get the best of him.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Just peachy," Hoseok replies and then does something unexpected.

Hoseok lays his head of soft hair in Yoongi's lap. He giggles knowingly.

Yoongi tenses and his orbs go wide. Hoseok's not facing him.

"Comfy," he whispers.

Of course, Hoseok is not in his right mind, he isn't sober.

He won't remember any of this.

And maybe, neither will Yoongi.

So Yoongi hesitantly combs his finger through the boy's hair. It's smooth and the moment is perfect. He does it for a while and he can see the boy's eyes close ever so often. A flash of moonlight captures his face for a moment and he looks so delicate, Yoongi's afraid of breaking him.

When Hoseok starts to shiver Yoongi lays his jacket on him and he cuddles in it like a blanket.

"Thank you."

It's the few words that were shared throughout the night. Yoongi's mind still wants to believe it isn't real.

But the feeling of Hoseok's hair between his fingertips and the head in his lap, it was so fucking real.

Yoongi stays with him until dawn.

a lil bit of my language in there.

i don't like this chapter but it'll do.

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