Chapter 13 ~ We're done

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Jimin walked into science class the next day and turned to say hello to Taehyung, but the latter didn't even acknowledge him. Honestly, Taehyung didn't even notice him. He was too busy thinking.

Last night, when he was getting ready for bed, he started to think about Jimin's intentions. Jimin had always been very possessive of him, even with his old friends. He remembered how he and Hoseok used to hangout, but when he met Jimin he got slightly influenced. He would stop hanging out with Hoseok, and he would stay with Jimin. At the time, he didn't see anything wrong with it, but now that he looks back, he realises that that was kind of mean to Hoseok, and he regrets it. Hoseok was bright, funny and was never a bore. If Taehyung was honest with himself, he would say that being ONLY Jimin's friend was starting to become boring.

Now he was wondering whether Jimin was really his friend, or just liked the company and was obsessed with Taehyung so that he made up lies and storiess to keep Taehyung away from anyone else.

If that was true, Taehyung felt used. He had always told Jimin about how he wanted to meet new people, he was a social butterfly, but now he was realising that Jimin was his only friend that he could call up whenever. He felt sad about it, knowing how he could have so many friends but he was manipulated but who he thought was his friend.

Later on during lunch, Taehyung packed his belongings really slowly, waiting until it was just him and Jimin in class. After seeing that everyone had left, Taehyung dropped his bag on the table and Jimin jumped.

"Has Jungkook been rude to you recently?" Jimin visibly gulped at that, and Taehyung's anger took a spike, "Because I talked to him yesterday."

Jimin looked down. He knew he had been caught, but he wasn't going to back down because he was too caught up with himself.

"Oh yea? What did he say?" Taehyung turned to Jimin. He couldn't believe he was playing coy. "He told me about how you and Jin have been harassing him in the halls and how you left him notes. I read them Jimin, you can't lie to me anymore. Why did you do this?"

Jimin bit his lip and looked down for a second, before looking up at Taehyung with an accusatory glance.

"Because Jungkook is bad news. If we let him in, he was going to turn you against me, exactly as he has down now."

"No Jimin. You are the only one responsible for this. You've lied to me, and I now realise how you've been manipulating me to make sure I stay by your side."

Jimin bit back a sob. Was that what Taehyung saw it as? Is that true? Is that all I am, some pathetic boy who has been manipulating him?

Taehyung shook his head and turned to the door. Right before he left, he turned back to Jimin, face blank with no trace of any emotion.

"Also, we're done."

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