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Kyle opened his eyes, and I grinned at him. "Good morning, sleepyhead."

I had been studying his face for at least 20 minutes now. His face, his intensity, and the new calm he slept with. He looked beautiful.

"You are in a good mood today." He grinned cheekily.

I coughed, and tried to contain in my blush. "Because I am going to college."

He feigned his hurt. "Ouch." And then we both started laughing, broken off only by my phone ringing. I picked it up without looking. "Hello?"

"Where the fuck are you? Your father and mother have been waiting for you since half an hour. And so have I!" Lee shouted.

"I- I am at Kyle's." I said.

Silence on the other end. "Oh." Another pause. "OH! How was it?"

"Nothing-" happened? Images of last night flashed into my mind, and I started feeling very warm all over. "I will be there in ten minutes."


I nodded.

"I guessed. I could hear her voice screaming out of your phone." He got up, buck naked. My focus zeroed on my phone. And then I realised I was wearing only a T-shirt. At least it was really long.

He looked at me intensely, and then started chuckling. "You are so cute."

I threw a pillow at him, and he caught it, throwing it back at me. I caught it.

"You should use that to block your view." He went inside the bathroom, but then peeked out again. "Although I don't understand why you would want to. Abigail-"

Yeah, he pushed the right button.

"Oh, fuck you." He went inside, laughing.

I got ready, too, deciding against showering here. I didn't really want to be more naked here than I already was. It wasn't that I was embarrassed, but it was all so new to me I had no idea how to handle it.

We drove to my home, and my mother opened the door, eyebrows raised. "So?"

"I texted you!" I told her.

"And do you think it was enough?"

"Ma'am, she was..." Kyle started, and she turned to him. He visibly gulped.

"And you..." She closed in on him. "I would be grounding you both, but since you're now the alpha, Alpha Kovich," her smile turned warmer, "I might have to let this one pass."

"We did nothing." I said.

"Spare me, Kaea."

Kyle smiled, finding all of this very amusing. "So, Alpha Kovich, let's have some breakfast."

Half an hour later, Lee and my father cried, as my mother looked on with undisguised confusion at my father. "She is just going a couple hours away."

My father swept away his tears. "It is not common for werewolf families to separate! You know that!"

Apparently my mother had come to terms with reality much faster and much more than my father had.

"Dad- I am going to easily meet you at least a couple times a week. And you can always visit! You know how beautiful that campus is."

"Excellent for dates." Lee nodded, glaring at Kyle. "You-" And then she remembered who she was talking to. "You are a lucky one, aren't you, Alpha Kovich?"

Monster: A Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now