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**trigger warning: child abuse**


She stood near the giant wheel, and smiled nervously as soon as I got out of my car. Someone, her presumably had turned the lights on on the giant wheel, which wasn't very giant but it did it's job. It stood motionless as I came upto her. She stuck out her hands, showing me a box full of chicken sandwiches, and mac and cheese, and a big bottle of coke.

"That's all I know how to make. And, I didn't think it was a good idea to get tipsy on the top of a giant wheel when we are alone." She said.

"You love food so much."

She looked mildly offended, ready to defend her love for food till death, but before she could do that, I whipped out my bag, more than a nervous.

"I brought cookies."

"Yum. Your mom did them?"

This time I was mildly offended. "No. I did."

"You bake?" She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Are you gonna call me a grandma or something, cause-"

She snorted. "I don't put gender roles on hobbies, Kyle. I am very, very woke." She said haughtily, clearly dripping with sarcasm. As soon as we caught each other's eye, we burst out laughing.

"No, but seriously, you bake? I didn't think you had the..." She seemed thoughtful for a moment, as we went to the giant wheel. "The love for that kind of stuff? I don't even know what I am saying."

"It doesn't look like my scene?"

She nodded. "I guess, yeah."

"Well, that's cause it's not. It's not like I spend every weekend baking. I just know how to bake cause I once read that it is a good stress-buster. So every time the world felt overwhelming, I baked. Or punched stuff." I said it, surprised at how easily it came out.

She looked at me, seemingly amused. "I think you need to make it a weekly thing, cause I will be needing a fresh batch of cookies every week."

"You don't even know if they taste good!" I said, just as Mason came around looking grumpy. I was surprised for a second to see him, but then of course, someone would need to turn the giant wheel on and off.

"You and your fucking dates." He went and sat down near the controller. "What are you waiting for? Go on!"

Kaea and I made our way to it, sitting inside. I noticed the benches had been removed and a soft, lush carpet was in that place. "What is he so angry for?" I grumbled.

"Maybe the fact that I called him here at 8 in the night to run a giant wheel may have to do something with that."

I smirked and she grinned at Mason. "We're ready!" She pointed two thumbs up at him, and his frown became even deeper.

"I hate you both!"
The giant wheel started running, and we finished one round, and then stopped right at the top, dangling slowly. The cabin, or whatever it was, was open and cool air hit us as the light of the town of spread out in front of us.

As beautiful as it was, I suddenly realized what a weird date this was. I wasn't gonna say it to Kaea though, what with her love of fairs.

But it was like she could read my mind, which she probably could. "I know it's not... typical."

I looked down, and yeah, it was going to take one stupid mistake and we were both going to die. I looked down at her questioningly.

"Well," she said, "We both worked so hard at this. It is... our thing, you know? I wanted you and I to feel the magic of it once." She blushed. "You know, just you and me. Not with another thousand people."

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