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They had shifted the rides on the back of two huge trucks. Mason had brought Simon and Dean with him. I looked at the three of them blankly. "Who knows how to drive this truck?"

Dean nodded. "Easy as a pie."

"Really?" Mason asked. The truck was huge. This thing would need a careful driver. I knew Simon could drive one, he had some practice, he never told us how. Dean was not even a werewolf, but I was not surprised at his offer to help- he was one of the kindest people I knew. He had often stood for Kaea and was given a couple punches from me.

But I couldn't do more. I was a monster, not a psycho.

"Yeah." He nodded. "My grandfather owns a farm."

Mason and I exchanged glances and suppressed laughs. Better than him than both of us. I knew this thing would go down if either of us drove it.

"Does he think a tractor is a truck?" Mason whispered as we walked back to the car and the guys walked to the trucks.

"Better tractors than cars."

Mason shrugged and we settled into the car. I poked my head out of the window and looked back, to be greeted by two thumbs ups. I started the car, and tossed a thumbs up to them, followed by the sound of two huge engines whirring.

As we drove on the plain highway, I kept glancing on the rear view to check if Simon and Dean were okay, and they were surprisingly.

"Oh shit! Who is gonna clear the field?" Mason banged the dashboard. I glared at him.

"Don't fucking do that."

He cringed. "Sorry. I know how much you love your car. Some girl is going to be very jealous."

I didn't take the bait. "Kaea is going to clean it with the rest of the volunteers."

"Oh, hell. You must have left her with a buttload of instructions." He laughed.

I frowned, trying to keep my concentration on the road. Mentioning Kaea made it a little harder. "No. Why would I do that?"

His laughter immediately stopped. "What? Control freak Kyle is trusting someone else to do the job well?"

I took a left and slowed down to see the trucks. The turn wasn't sharp but it must certainly be difficult for novices, right? Turns out, nope, those fuckers turned so smoothly, you'd think they have been doing this all their life.

"Kaea is extremely capable." I answered.

"When has that ever stopped you from taking over?"

"She is more capable than me for a lot of things."

Mason whistled, but then said nothing. I thought this was done for good when Mason started laughing.

"What?" I grumbled, he was pissing me off, which was, admittedly, a very easy thing to do.

"Nothing, man. I knew you were changing but wow... Kaea. She is a sorceress."

"You shut your piehole, or you drive with those cross-country truck drivers."

He shut up.


When we reach the field, I am surprised to find so many stalls already set up. The fair is starting day after tomorrow, and it will only be a couple of days but it could be a lot of fun. The last and the third day would also have a huge dance exclusively for the school students, and the decor would be changed up a little. I knew Kaea was gonna get the field cleared, but she also managed to get a lot of the stalls up, and somehow around twenty people rushed to the trucks to help with the rides. Twenty more cleaned out and help set up.

I just watched around with an open mouth when she ran upto me with a big grin on her face and a clipboard with a fat stack of papers stuck in it.

"So?" She asked.

"What?" It took me a couple of seconds to figure she wanted to know my thoughts on her progress, and I was honestly very surprised, With all her condemnation and remarks, I didn't think she cared much what I thought.

"This is... amazing. How did you get so many people?"

"Abi asked the cheer time. Half the basketball team showed up, they are a little rough but they'll come around. And a lot of the students wanted to help too." She was giddy with excitement and it was warming my heart to see her like this. It was a rare sight.

And I couldn't help but feel the overwhelming guilt that I suppressed her that way. She didn't deserve that.

I didn't deserve her.

"Yeah?" I asked, softly.

"Yes. And hear this, our mothers want to do a gelato stall together. How cute is that? They will have tough competition though, so many of the cafés and restaurants want to set up stalls here. They will win, though I am sure." Her eyes were bright, and there was a line of sweat on her forehead, but she was so happy she didn't notice. My mouth was dry.

I could never make her that happy.

Maybe Andrew could. He was perfect for her, wasn't he?

"A couple guys have even volunteered for a dunking booth. Kyle, I think this is going to be super good." She breathed and smiled at me, losing a little bit of her chirpiness, and gaining a little bit of the serenity. "This might be your best idea, yet."

I laughed awkwardly. "Yeah, um, thanks. I've to go help the guys."

She frowned but raised no objections. So I walked away as fast as I could.


Hey, guys! Finally wrote another chapter. I hope everyone is safe. A small request to my Indian readers- please, please, please feed the animals around you. A bowl of water and some food goes a long way.

In the media box, you'll find, "Sunflower by Post Malone". Not a popular song at all, right? XD.

Stay safe!


Monster: A Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now