55. I LOVE-

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I found Mason soon enough, on a 'Throw the Ring' stand. He was failing miserably and Sarah was trying really hard to be sympathetic, but her laughter escaped many a times.

"Hey." She spotted me. "Great fair. You and Kyle have done an amazing job."

"Hey." Mason grumbled and she looked at him amused.

"Thank you." I replied, trying to sound casual. "Speaking of which, have you seen Kyle?"

"You... don't know where he is?"


"He would be in that makeshift office of yours. I saw him heading that way. Tell him to come out and have some fun."

I nodded, my feet taking me there but I paused for a second. "Who's bringing over the kids from the orphanage?"

"Sent Simon. He wanted to bring them."

I nodded. He must have wanted to visit them. And then it dawned on me that nothing else was keeping me from going to him, so I went.

My heart thudded loudly as I approached the wooden room that we had built for organising this fair, it was small and comfortable and surprisingly sturdy. But it was empty.

I strolled in anyways, not bothering to turn on the lights. I collapsed on the chair, mentally exhausted. Small tears were escaping my eyes and I didn't know what to do.


I sat on the watchtower, looking at the fair.

Fuck it.

Fuck this.

I was already tired as fuck about this whole cat-and-mouse thing that we have going on. But I thought it was better than facing whatever scary ass feelings I had for her.

No, nothing is worse than hearing her say that again and again. How I mean nothing to her. In more ways than one.

Kyle Kovich doesn't fall in love. He is cold and sharp. He doesn't have feelings.

The world believed that and so did I. So does Kaea.

I am beginning to see the world believed in a lie.

Cause I have looked everywhere for some other explanation other than I... love her.

I love her.

It sounds about right. Maybe I have been for a long time. But clearly I am sick and twisted because love drives normal people to do good things. It drives me to do insane things.

I hate seeing her with that guy. With any guy.

Why the hell did she kiss me when she was with him...?

It's kind of hard to believe that Kaea would not be loyal, but the part of me that always treated her like shit still says that it's not hard to believe.

She did betray me once.

She was a kid. I was a kid. I need to stop.

But it's hard to let habits go. Maybe she now has a habit of hating me, maybe she would never be able to go down that path with me no matter what I do.

The day I got to know that Kaea was my mate, I lost myself. I just knew I was desperate for her to accept me.

And then she had asked my rejection. My massive fucking ego and my already wounded feelings wouldn't let me take that, now would they?

It is my damn fault that we are standing on this crevice. Because why the fuck would she want to want someone, or spend her life with someone who made her as miserable as I made her

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