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"So... how was the date with the handsome hunka?" Lee asked me as we made our way to the school. She waggled her eye brows suggestively, but then again, everything she did was suggestively.

I smiled, I didn't know exactly what to tell her. What should I say? The date was non-existent... but good?

After a pause, I decided it was better to be direct with her. After all, she is the one person who always stood by my side, no matter what happened.

"Well...the date. It didn't exactly happen."

"Huh?" She looked very confused. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Kyle came to my home." I told her sullenly, I didn't want to relive the experience. She grabbed my arms and stopped me in my tracks.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"He and a couple other idiots with him... tried to ruin my date. He knew who Andrew was, that I was going to go on a date, and that son of a bitch-" I breathed deeply, there was no need for me to get riled up. "He decided it was a good idea to ruin my date. What the heck is wrong with that guy, Lee?

"I hate him, too, but you don't see me turning him into a fucking omelet, no matter how much I itch to do that.

"I ran away, but he caught up with me, broke my phone, and I had to go in person to Andrew to tell him the date would not be possible, I didn't want him to feel stood up."

I looked over, Lee's face looked like a boiling tomato, furious and fired. Suddenly, I was deathly scared, her scowl enough made me want to hind behind a building as her rage exploded.

She didn't say anything, but glared at me. The anger was not directed at me, of course, but it felt that way.

I touched her arm gently, not wanting to make the bomb explode on me. "It's okay, though. It kinda worked out in the end? Andrew said he would want to go out with me again."

She brushed off my arms, still angry as hell. "Kaea! You can't expect for this to go on like this! I thought he was exaggerating, but- he is standing to his words." She has huffing now, and I was fairly sure I saw fire coming out of her nostrils.

"You cannot let him do this to you. Do you understand me? This is too much. I am going to kill that guy."

A pause. I looked down at the gravelly road, and then quietly, said, "I am not letting him do anything, Lee. It's not like I just stand back and allow him to do this. I tried to fight, Lee. I really did. But, whatever was I supposed to do with four werewolves at my door, but run?"

Lee paused, and then her expressions turned guilty, and concern flashed in her eyes. "I am sorry, K, it's just... I hate Kyle so much right now."

"I know." I sighed, grabbing her arm and making our way to school again. "What am I going to do, Lee, what am I going to do?"

She didn't answer.


"How was Andrew though?" Lee asked as we sat together in our math class. It was the one of the only classes I didn't share with Kyle, the other being Physics. Made sense, Kyle didn't have an aptitude for anything other than torturing. Not that he would care about why something is falling, or why airplanes fly- he knew how to fight, and he knew how to lead. And he thought these were the only skills he would need.

Me? I loved math and science, call me a geek, I won't mind. I am exactly that.

"He is amazing, Lee. He is so sweet, and such a charming person. He walked me home even when I was drenched in eggs. How many guys would do that?"

Lee smiled. "I know of one who definitely wouldn't."

I rolled my eyes. "Obviously."

"So you will go out with him again?"


She nibbled her lip, thinking. "K, you did tell him that Kyle did this to you, right?"

Ha. Ha. Ha. Oh, did I tell him?

"Err... he kind of blackmailed me so that I couldn't."

"With what?"

I stared at her debating whether I should tell her. But I knew I shouldn't hide something like this from her. "Jacob."

Immediately, her eyes started turning golden again. Oh no...

"Lee, calm down. Please. Remember this is my battle." I shook her arm again. "Lee?!"

She closed her eyes, and nodded. When she opened them, they were green again. I nodded back, glad she trusted me.

The problem was, this was not a battle I knew how to fight.


I wanted for Kaea to not tell Lee anything, you know, for ANGST. But I am so tired of seeing friends who never share anything in books, I just decided this one wouldn't be like that.

In the media box is "Gift of a friend- Demi Lovato". It's one of her first songs, isn't it?

See yah later!


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