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Don't trust anyone.

"Do you have anything yet?"

"No, but the bitch boy knows how to play piano and guitar"

"hm.." he sat down by of his friend, giving him a bottle of coke "sorry they only had bottles" he said as he lighted his cigarette, resting his head on the other's shoulder "now what?"

"I don't know, and also, i told you to not smoke, one day they'll catch you and who knows what will happen"

"My father doesn't even care, him and his alcoholic problems.."

"I do care."

"Remember, don't trust anyone"

"i'll p##- i"lll protect y- *?!#%""

"We can get through this together! i'm pretty sure some rumours won't affect me that much, it's just a rumour"

"But.. i don't want to loose my only friend, you're the only one that i have left"

"Don't worry i'l# be fin###" the ravenette said as he smiled with confidense, pointing at himself with his finger.

"If we win this festival we won't be bullied anymore! if we win, the news club wil be feared by literally everyone!"

"But.. are we really going to betray them?"

" ℹ︎Ts THE ○NLy W'aY"

He woke up, his breath was shaky, sweat running down his face immediately looking around his room, checking where he was and feeling dizzy, it was only a dream.. he stood up and changed clothes, going to the bathroom to wash his face

what was that tho.. what a weird dream, he took his guitar and walked out of his room, still fixing his hair with his beanie "Hi dad"

"Hey Wil! are you okay? i though i heard something upstairs before you woke up"

something upstairs.. "no it wasn't me, i just woke up"

"yeah i did notice with that messy hair of yours, fix it, or you're leaving like that?"

"i'll eat first" he sat down at the table, getting his phone and unlocking it, scrolling through Tiktok since he couldn't do anything else "hey Phil"

"Hm?" he said while his eyes where still in the breakfast he was making.

"Can i come home a bit later this time? i'm having a practive at the music club today so we'll stay after school since we're a bit unorganized and we don't really know what we're doing for the festival"

His father stood quiet for a second "a festival you say?"

"mhm, well, i got to go now if i don't want to be late, bye dad!" he stood up and quickly took the sandwich the blonde placed on the table, planning on eating it in the way to the school, walking out of the kithen and closing the door behind him

"Bye Wilbur" he said as he looked at the door where his son left.

The festival..




"Hey Dream!"

"Wilbur!" he gave him a hug once he was close enough "how are things going here?"

"Well, it's ok i guess" he felt how the blonde wrapped an arm around his waist "what are you-"

"I just wanted the put my arm around your shoulder but you guitar was in the way so.. actually, what's with the guitar? you can play it?"

"Yeah! i can play piano too"

"That's good! but just a little warning, don't trust Tommy, he's Tubbo's "best friend" so he'll obviously try to get information out of you"

"Like what information? believe me i'm not that useful" they kept walking around the school, Dream still close to him "i'm pretty sure i have nothing he can use"

"Well, you are handsome, that's something" he watched as the brunette got red.

"S- stop flirting" he covered his face with his hand, looking away from the other.

"Okay! i'll stop, but just putting that out there, Tommy and Tubbo aren't someone you can trust ok? Tubbo is my brother but he's got some really bad manipulative ways, they work together as a team so now that i know that Tommy is in your club, he's obviously told Tubbo about you"

"How do you know he's there-?"

"Oh baby i know many things, and i know that class is starting soon for me so" he let go of him "i better get going!"

"Bye!" his cheeks were still red, his eyes in the hallway Dream just left.


He was talking with Niki when he felt a hand on his shoulder, looking around and seeing Ranboo was behind him "Hey Ranboo, what are you doing here..? where's Techno?"

"uhm.." he stayed quiet for a moment, opening his mouth as he was about to speak but regretted it in the last second and closing it again, playing with his fingers nervously "Techno.. wanted you to.."

"take your time" he chuckled as he saw how the other panicked even more.

"don't worry we're nice people" Niki said in a sweet tone, trying to calm the other down, which looked like it worked.

"Techno wanted to meet up with you.. we're going to practice in an hour so.. he wanted you to talk to him before the others get there.." the brunette waited patiently for the other to finish, he knew how it felt to get out of your comfort zone and talk with other people, it was hard in the beginning and it still was, but now he didn't have to talk with other people since he only needed to talk with his club, Niki and Dream.

"oh then let's go! i'm sorry Niki but you heard him-"

"it's okay, i actually got distracted and i should be at my club too so, see you later Wil! see you later Ranboo!" with that she left the other two, Wilbur looking up at him with a smile.

"Let's go!"

"can i.." he took a few breaths "c- can i stay behind you..?"

"sure! but i'm not like Techno so i don't have long hair like him"

"it doesn't matter.. do you know how hard it was to walk by myself to get to you? everybody kept pushing me around, i'm really used to being protected by Techno- i'm sorry if i bother you.."

"it's okay, now let's go"

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