Chapter 59

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and sorry its been a bit! 


Louis’ POV

So, it was finally the morning of the commercial shoot and all I could think about was Harry.

He was the one who actually auditioned for it, and he was the one who actually really wanted it, but here I was, taking his spotlight.

I groaned and rolled over, unable to shake the image of him from my head.

It was starting to make me angry that I couldn’t stop thinking of him. He was taking over my life and I hated it.

I didn’t want to have to rely on someone. I never wanted to like someone that much that they became someone I couldn’t live without.

I was slowly letting him become that person, and it was bad.

So after I calmed down from his whole blow-out, I realised that it was actually a good thing that he stopped talking to me.

That way, I could stop being the idiotic pansy that I was becoming, and could return to my usual self.

I forcedly pushed the curly-headed fuckwit from my head and got out of bed, rubbing my face before heading to the bathroom to shower.



I only managed to pull on a pair of pants before I heard shouting.


I exited the bathroom, quickly drying my hair to see Zayn standing, hands on his hips in my living room.

He must have let himself in because I sure as hell didn’t.

“What?” I rolled my eyes at him before pushing past and heading into the kitchen.

“Don’t you ‘what’ me.” Zayn answered, pointing his finger at me as I went to the fridge, pulled out the juice and gulped some down. “And that’s gross.”

I grimaced at him before wiping my mouth with my wrist and putting the drink away.

“You have the commercial shoot today,” he explained himself. “I’m here to make sure you actually go.”

I turned to him and shrugged.

“Well obviously I know that,” I indicated to the fact that I had showered.

“Good.” He answered, checking his watch. “You’re going to be late if you don’t hurry up.”

He turned around and headed back to the lounge room, allowing me to mock him behind his back before heading off to my room to get dressed.

I pulled on clothes that would be media acceptable, because it was inevitable I would be photographed somewhere, and swept my hair back off my forehead.

“Louis, HURRY UP!” I heard Zayn scream just as I was giving myself a lookover in the mirror.

“For fucks sake!” I barked back. “I’m coming!”


Zayn ended up driving me to the studio, but he said he had somewhere to be.

So I went in alone and was greeted at the reception by my agent who smiled at me as I entered.

“Louis! Hello-”

“Where’s my room?” I cut her off, not in the mood for her false happiness. I knew she secretly hated me and my temper.

Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα