Chapter 13

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Harry’s POV

Liam was right, surprisingly. Today on set, Louis completely ignored me. Even this morning when the director had us do one more take of the scene where he needed my coat. After he was done with it, he just shoved it in my chest and walked away, not saying anything.

It was almost as if he was too tired to bother with me today.

It was strange.

I sighed as I unlocked the apartment door and wandered into the hall. I kicked my shoes off and hung my coat up before walking down to the lounge where I was sure Will and Jack would be sitting.

Much to my surprise, there were three people in the room.

I did a double take when I noticed Ash was sitting on the couch along with my roommates.

The sight was one I hadn’t seen since we all shared a dorm last year. It was nice.

“Hey Harry,” Jack greeted.

“Shitbrick,” Will added.

“Uh, hey.” Ash finished.

“Hey guys,” I smiled back at them and sat on the armchair next to the end of the couch that Jack was sitting on. He turned to me, allowing the other two to continue staring at the TV.

“So how was your day? Was he okay?” He asked, referring to Louis.

“Uh, yeah. He actually was. It was strange.” I replied, scratching the back of my neck.

“Really? That’s great!” Jack continued. “At least he isn’t being a dick.”

I sighed. “Yeah, I guess.” I replied. “But I don’t know. It’s weird and it makes me feel like he’s just waiting to attack or something.”

Jack shook his head at me. “Mate, its not like he’s a lion waiting to kill its prey. It’ll be fine, you’ll see.”

I laughed a little. “Yeah, I guess. I don’t know. It’s still weird...” I trailed off. “Anyways, what’d you guys do today?”

At that, Ash and Will joined our conversation.

“Well, I did nothing at all, like I usually do, but then I got hungry.” Ash started explaining. “So I went to Starbucks at, like, 3 and these two were there. We talked and now we’re here and that’s the end of that.”

“Okay,” I replied with a chuckle. “Anyone else care to share?”

“We watched a game this morning and also got hungry. End of.” Will stated, his eyes still glued to the television.

“Great,” I clapped my hands “Sounds very productive.”

“It most definitely was.” Will replied. “What’d you do?”

“Work.” I replied, leaning back in the chair and closing my eyes.

“Yeah? And how was that?” he continued

“Eh,” I answered, my eyes still closed. I really didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

The last thing I wanted to be thinking about was Louis and work.

“Was Liam there?” Ash asked. “I haven’t seen you guys since the other night.”

Oh yeah. The other night when I ditched him in the club.

That was fun...

“Uh yeah he was.” I replied. “Look, Ash, I’m sorry about the other night-”

Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Where stories live. Discover now