Chapter 64

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please please go and check out my other story 'Lost Boy' it would mean heaps to see some of your friendly faces over there :) x


Harry’s POV

Louis family were nothing like he’d led me to believe. They were nice and smiley. They took an interest in me and didn’t make me feel at all unwanted.

It was odd. Louis had told me that they were horrible and judging by the way he was with his sisters, he obviously hadn’t seen them in a long time.

I had been awake for a while, staring at the roof of Louis’ room while he slept next to me. I could hear some of the girls awake downstairs, but I didn’t want to leave Louis alone. He had begged me not to leave him alone.

As I stared straight up, I wondered what on earth could have made Louis hold so much resentment towards his family.

He had told me last night, before we went to sleep, that his mum drove his previous boyfriends away, but by the way he was freaking out, I figured it was much more than that.

And somehow, I figured it had something to do with this ‘Dan’ character that had come up a few times now.

I furrowed my eyebrows, when I felt Louis stir next to me. He looked over at him and a smile began to form on my face.

His little nose scrunched and he rubbed his eyes and stretched a little, rolling into my side.

He snuggled his head into my side and pulled his body close to me as I wrapped my arm around him.

“Good morning,” I whispered, leaning down to kiss his forehead as he yawned.

“Shutup.” He mumbled, but he couldn’t fight the smile as he hugged my torso. I grinned down at him too, pulling him closer as I kissed his cheek.

“Good morning.” I sang as I kissed his other cheek.

“Stop it.” He laughed, his eyes still closed as he tried to push me away, but I held him close.

“Louuu,” I laughed as I nuzzled my chin against his head. “Say it back.”

He stayed quite for a second, letting out a long breath as he laughed and slowly opened his eyes, one at a time, looking up at me.

“Good morning, Harry.” He answered finally, his bright blue eyes looking up at me.

I hummed and grinned in triumph as I pecked his lips.

“We should get up though,” Louis said through another yawn as he rolled away a little to stretch. “Mom doesn’t like it when…” He trailed off as his smile faded. “Uh, s-she… um, when we’re, y-yeah- for- um, too l-long.” He finished quickly, jumping out of the bed and sitting on the end, head in his hands.

Something wasn’t right, he was obviously scared of something, I think. Or something was wrong, I didn’t know. Because he wouldn’t tell me anything about his family or his past, I didn’t know anything.

“Louis?” I asked. “Are you okay?”

“Y-Yeah.” He answered, his back still to me as he reached down into his bag, pulled out some clothes and disappeared into the bathroom.

When he shut the door, I let out a frustrated breath. I didn’t understand him sometimes. He didn’t let me in, he didn’t tell me how he was feeling and I was left to guess, to try and understand him.

But at the same time, I didn’t want to push him and make him feel uncomfortable around me, because I was supposed to be the supportive, safe boyfriend, not the person who makes him talk about things he didn’t want to talk about.

Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Where stories live. Discover now