Chapter 5

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Harry’s POV

I let out a deep breath as my apartment door slammed behind me, booming throughout the place.

It was only 3 in the afternoon, but it felt like it had been a long day. Especially having to deal with Louis.


I heard one of my two roommates call out to me from the lounge room where they were probably all sitting given it was a Saturday and most normal people weren’t working.

I wasn’t bothered about weekend work when I first read about the job but now... I just didn’t want to even think about being on set, let alone having to go back on Monday.

I took my coat and boots off at the door and stumbled down the narrow hall to the rest of our run-down apartment.


So it turns out Louis was right about a lot of things he said to me today, whether he knew it or not. I really didn’t have much at all and the coat my mother gave me was the most expensive thing I owned.

I sighed in annoyance before wandering down to the lounge room where my two closest friends were slouched on our tiny couch, a football game blaring loudly from the television.

Someone must have scored a goal because just as I entered the room, they stood up and cheered loudly, nearly deafening me.

I couldn’t help but smile at my friends as they saw me and crowded around me, singing some stupid chant about the team they supported.

“Hey! Shitbrick’s here!” Will exclaimed.

“Nice to see you too, Will.” I replied as he lifted me into the air with Jack’s help, still cheering.

Will and I met in my first year of Uni in the bathrooms. He was a jock, popular and had heaps of friends and I had just moved from England so I didn’t really know anyone. I was really sick that day and couldn’t really... control myself so I was making a lot of noise from my cubicle.

Once I was finished, I was greeted with Will’s grinning face, trying not to laugh as he washed his hands.

I knew he’d heard what I was doing in there, so I blushed as I went to wash my hand too. He started a conversation with me about how I was feeling, dropping puns left, right and centre as he laughed.

Once he’d calmed down, he offered to take me under his wing and help make me ‘cool’. That’s when I met Jack and all three of us, along with the rest of his popular crowd became friends. We’ve been friends ever since.

And the only reason I tolerate that nickname is because it reminds me of my first friend in this new country, not because I like it. At all.

“Okay okay,” I said, holding tightly onto their shoulders as my head hit the low ceiling and I let out a light chuckle “C’mon, let’s put me down now.”

They did as I said and laughed, Jack and I sitting on the couch while Will did a victory lap around the room, still chanting that stupid song before plopping down in between us on the old couch.

“So how was it?” Will asked me as he wrapped his Liverpool scarf around my neck.

I laughed sarcastically as I took it off and wrapped it tightly around his head, completely covering his face and pushing him back into Jack so he was sprawled across his lap.

“Just like that.” I said with a ridiculous amount of sarcasm and fake joy before falling back into the couch and groaning.

“Really that bad?” Jack asked, paying half his attention to me and half to the television where the red team was beating the blue team.

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