Chapter 37

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Louis’ POV


Once the director called that hallowed word, I dropped character and moved away from El as quickly as possible and made my way to my dressing room.

The take was long and tedious, with El fucking up many of her lines, and all I wanted to do was sit down.

Niall wasn’t here today and Harry had finished early, so I was really bored. Plus, El and I had to stay behind for a night scene, which I really wasn’t looking forward to.

I rushed down the hall to my room, pushing people out of my way as I went.

I opened the door and shut it behind me, going straight into my bathroom to get the makeup off my face.

I sighed as I grabbed some makeup wipes, cleaned my face and ran a comb through my hair to rid it of the hairspray.

I threw the wipes into the bin and went back out into my main room, flopping down onto the couch with a sigh.

I had an hour to kill before I had to get ready for the next take, and I didn’t know what to do. I had an Xbox and TV and stuff, but I didn’t feel like it.

I rolled my head around to look at the clock again. 59 minutes.

I groaned and pulled out my phone, unlocking it, then locking it again of out habit. I didn’t know what to do with myself.

Then, Harry popped into my head, with his bright smile and innocent, wide eyes. I remembered him on the rooftop this morning, the wind blowing his hair all around him face as we formed some kind of unspoken bond of friendship.

I smiled at the image. He looked so beautiful, and I had made him smile. For the first time in years, I had made someone smile instead of cry. He looked so happy.

I wondered to myself what he was doing, where he was and what he was thinking about, hoping it was me.

Then, my dressing room door opened to reveal El, standing there with a sweet smile.

“Hey Lou.”

“Hello, Eleanor.” I deadpanned.

“Whatcha doing?” She asked as she shut the door and skipped over to me, slumping down almost on top of my lap.

“Nothing.” I replied.

Reluctantly, I looked at her and she grinned back before leaning forward to peck my lips.

I moved my head just in time so her lips only got my cheek, thankfully. Kissing Eleanor definitely wasn’t on my list of favourite things to do.

Harry on the other hand… Well, I could only imagine what kissing him would be like.

“Earth to Lou?”

Eleanor snapped me out of my daze by waving a hand in front of my face.

“Yeah?” I asked.

She gave me a funny look, almost disappointed that I wasn’t paying her enough attention.

“You alright?”

“Peachy.” I emotionlessly replied.

She frowned again. “I’m gonna go, I’ll see you later.” She stood up and went to leave but stopped at the door.

"Am I not good enought for you, or something?" She asked in her whiny voice. "Because it feels like you don't even like me any more."

"El, I can't do this right now." I told her. "I am stressed the fuck out, okay?"

Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora