Chapter 39

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Louis’ POV

“Louis, we have to.”

I groaned and buried my head further in my pillow, trying to get away from the light streaming into my bedroom.

“Zayn,” I snapped. “Leave. Now.”

“C’mon man,” He pleaded. “Simon will have my head if I don’t get you out of this apartment.”

“Simon, can suck me.” I replied, pulling the covers over my head.

My manager, Simon, had been leaving me messages for days, begging for me to go out for the paparazzi for weeks now, but I never wanted to. I hated how they got up in my business and exploited me, so I kept ignoring him.

But apparently he’d had enough and decided to send Zayn after me.

“Louis, get up now or I’ll make you.” He threated and I laughed.

“I’m warning you.” He pressed.

“Just fuck off, Zayn!” I moaned, rolling over to look at him, squinting as my eyes hit the lit room. He was sitting on the edge of my bed frowning at me and that’s when I saw the purple hair on his shoulder.

“And company?” I asked as I realised he wasn’t alone and the hair belonged to his girlfriend.

“Louis, we’re all gonna go out today.” Perrie chirped from behind him. “And you will enjoy it.”

I groaned, so Zayn stood up and whispered in her ear.

“Do it.” He said, making her nod before she climbed up onto the bed, putting her knees either side of my waist.

She had always been confident and outgoing, never knowing when she was overstepping people’s boundaries.

I gave her a look, but she paid no attention and as I was about to protest, she gave me a devilish smile.

“No,” I shook my head. “What ever it is you’re thinking, don’t do it.” I warned, but her smile only grew.

“What?” She said innocently, before slowly leaning down and bringing her hands up to my stomach.

“Don’t.” I said but she shrugged, before surging down and starting to tickle me.

“C’mon Louis!” She laughed as I thrashed about, swearing at the both of them. She thought it was hilarious while I was clearly very unhappy about the whole situation.

“Fuck- o-off.” I stammered as I tried my hardest not to laugh.

“Louuuuis,” She sang. “Come out with us.”

“Oh my God, fine!” I shouted, hiding my laughter as I finally made her stop tickling me. “I’ll fucking come out with you just stop!”

She smiled and gave me a satisfactory nod before climbing off me and kissing Zayn’s cheek.

“Oh and by the way,” She added as the two of them stood and Zayn put his arms around her waist. “El’s here, she’s coming with.”

“No, absolutely not.” I deadpanned. “I am not going out in public with her. That whole ‘romance’ we had for the tabloids is over. O-v-e-r. Nada, nish, nil, not anymore.”

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