Chapter 30

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omg it feels like forever since ive updated this. fuck.

soz guys!

double update cause im sorry?




Harry’s POV

“Do you want to just come over?” I asked Charl as we walked back towards her car after a long day on set.

I had been in a pretty downtrodden mood all day, it wasn’t until I got to talk to Liam and saw that Niall had arrived that I started to feel better.

I had only met Niall once before when I went out with Charl to the club and I liked him, he was fun.

We caught up after the take, just hanging out in the trough before Louis turned up, grabbed Niall’s hood and literally dragged him away.

Niall had waved goodbye saying we’d see him tomorrow as Louis swore and scowled, pulling him out of the room.

I was slightly confused, but then again I was used to seeing Louis get away with everything so it wasn’t really out of the blue that Niall was letting him do that.

Actually, apart from that, Louis didn’t really do anything shitty towards me today. He basically left me alone, which was weird.

Strange, but nice.

“You’re going to be driving me back to mine anyway. You should stay, I have movies!” I tried to convince her.

She shoved my shoulder as we walked across the car parking lot towards her car and she smiled up at me.

“Okay, but only if we get pizza from that place we got it last time, that was so good!” She practically drooled as she unlocked the car so we could climb in.

I laughed and shook my head.

“Sure, I love that pizza too.” I replied.


On the way home, we went past her place so she could get a change of clothes for tomorrow.

I unlocked the door to my apartment and lead her to my room so we could dump our stuff.

As I kicked my shoes off, I heard banging and shouting.

I frowned and stuck my head out the door, thinking it was Will or Jack.

“Jack Where’s my moustache t-shirt?” I heard Will shout.

“I don’t know and I don’t care. That t-shirt is a girls shirt.” Jack replied.

“Is not!”

“It fluro pink.”

“I don’t care, I want to take it.” Will shouted.

“It’ll be in the drawer, just look or it!” Jack replied.

I was about to just laugh at them and disappear back into my room, but something Will said stuck in my head.

I want to take it.

Take it? Where?


I frowned and turned around back to face Charl who was changing into her trackies in my bathroom.

I knocked on the door.

“Come out to the kitchen when you’re done.” I told her before leaving the room, not waiting for a response.

I stepped out into the hallway and looked up towards Will and Jack’s shared bedroom.

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