Chapter 87

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Harry's POV

"Ooo I want the window seat!"

I chuckled as Louis waddled through the narrow passage and threw his bag on the seat, grinning triumphantly.

We were the first ones on the plane, so our section was empty, meaning Louis was free and comfortable to be his happy and carefree self without being scared of judgement.

The tickets I had bought were thankfully first class, otherwise we would have been harassed by fans for the entire flight. They cost me most of my savings, but it was worth it.

I followed him to our two, large seats with wide eyes. The only time I'd ever been on a plane before was when I first came out to LA and I had been in coach, stuck between a crying baby and a snoring old man. So this really was a step up.

By the time I'd stowed away our bags in the overhead, Louis was already snuggled up in his seat, under a blanket as he watched me from under his eyelashes.

I smiled at him as I sat down next to him, letting out a long breath as I closed my eyes and rested my head against the back of the chair.

However it wasn't long before I felt him staring at me.

I opened my eyes and rolled my head to the side with a smile as I caught him off guard, making him blush a little.

Then, he grinned and poked my cheek, scrunching his nose adorably as he made me coo and rest a hand on his thigh.

"Excited?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yeah," He breathed, removing his hand from my face. "I love your mum."

"She loves you too." I chuckled, stroking his leg with my thumb as I stared lovingly into his eyes. "I can't wait for you to meet them all."

"Same." He grinned and nodded. "Oh! By the way!"

"Yeah?" I asked.

"While you were in the bathroom before, I got a phone call." He continued, turning in his seat to face me, crossing his legs.

"Yeah." I repeated, smiling in anticipation.

"And!" He drawled, grinning as he took his time to tell me, obviously winding me up.

"Oh just tell me!" I exclaimed, leaning forward to tickle his side.

"Harry!" He let out a loud laugh, trying to wriggle away from me, but I wouldn't let him. "L-Let me- Stop!"

He giggled as I playfully wrested him in the seats, him falling further and further backwards until his head was against the window and I was nearly lying on top of him, leaning on his chest.

"Tell me!" I urged again, this time I stopped tickling him and just smiled. He smiled back and held my face as he looked up at me.

"Then get off me, you lump." He giggled again, making me roll my eyes and sit back up properly in the seat.

"M'not a lump." I pouted, crossing my arms as I stuck my bottom lip out.

"I know, baby." He grinned, kissing my pouty lips lightly. "Anyways, do you want me to tell you?"

"Yes." I smiled, nodding at him, so he took both of my hands and continued.

"Okay, so while you were peeing, I got a phone call." He said.

"Nice, Lou." I commented, rolling my eyes, but he ignored me and kept talking.

"And it was an agency." He said. "They offered me a contract."

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