Forest Selection

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Denis' P.O.V:
"I need someone to go pick a good wedding place, I need someone to print out invites and mail them, and I want someone to book tickets for the guests. I'll pay for everything.". "Your gonna book tickets for them?" Corl asks, "Yes, If I don't they'd probably not come" I pout "Anyway, Who's going with me?".
"ME!!" Elijah said, everyone seemed to frown. Weird. "Ok, Who is gonna do the printing and mailing?", "I can do that I guess" Alex says, "I can help!" Corl volunteers, "Ok, then Sub is gonna book tickets for them?", "Yea Sure" he pouts. "Is that everything?", "What about the dresses and suits?" Elijah asks, "Gabby has that covered" I reply with a smile, "Oh Ok! Then that's everything!" he smiles back.

We got ready, everyone ate something except Elijah and Gabby woke up too. She was thinking of online shopping for our clothes and if she didn't find anything she'll go shopping with one of her friend.
Everything was pretty good so far. Everyone already left and I was waiting for Elijah to finish his shower which took way too long. Everyone kept messaging me different questions like ‘Where's the ____ ?’,‘Which one looks better?’,‘Where does _____ live again?’ and other stuff.
Elijah came out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!!" he yelled, "SORRY I THOUGHT YOU WOULD'VE WORE CLOTHES!!!" I yell back while leaving, I close the door and hear it lock.
He took so long to shower then took super long wear clothes. Wtf was he doing that took so long!?!
The door finally unlocks and he isn't wearing the clothes he normally wears. "Yo--", "We aren't gonna talk about my clothes" he walks past me. I shrug and follow him downstairs.
We get in the car and I'm driving, I hand him my phone, he gives me a confused look. "Reply to any of them if they message me" I tell him and start the car. "Also, put on a gps for tthhheee uhhmmm.... there's a forest where a few weddings have happened before." I tell him, he nods and searches while I go to the direction it was in, "W-What about my idea?" he asks with a small frown, "It's 3 hours away", "Oh.." he says looking back at the phone "turn the 3rd right after the stop sign". I follow his directions and we end up not being where we were supposed to, "Are you sure you were following the GPS?" I ask, "Yea a little bit" he replies, "Wdym a little bit?" I take a glance at him and he is looking at my phone, "I don't know... I just wanted to talk to you?", "huh?" I slow down, "I-..... Nvm turn left" I stop the car. "What's wrong" I turn to him, "I SAID TURN LEFT, NOT STOP" he ignores me, "No, Not until you tell me what's wrong". "EVERYTHING!!! EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS WRONG!!! OK??? NOW DRIVE BEFORE I----" he starts breathing heavily "shit" he looks away. I just look at him confused and worried, "Drive..", I sigh and follow the GPS to the location.

I park the car, "We're here.." I tell him, he doesn't reply, "Let's go!" I say, "no".

"But you need to help me! That's why you are jere in the first place!"


"That's not what I meant!"


"You have Sub!! And wdym your not my best friend!?!!"

He starts crying, "I- I-".

"N-No, No No No No! No, Don't cry!"

"I-I- j-just--" he sniffles.

I hug him though he doesn't hug back.

Elijah's P.O.V:
I'm gonna loose ALL my friends! Everyone is going to hurt me!!! NO ONE IS GONNA BE THERE FOR ME, NOT EVEN SUB!!! I'm gonna be lonely and probably kill myself. Not like I wasn't trying already. I tried so many times but I couldn't get myself to make them deep enough for me to die.

"Can you tell me what's wrong so I can help you?" Denis tries to comfort me, I just shake my head no. "Come here" he pulls me towards himself, trying his best to comfort me. I wish I could tell him.

"𝔜𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔡𝔬𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 ℑ 𝔞𝔰𝔨𝔢𝔡"<Your not doing what I asked>

That sentence made me shiver, I forgot about it. I forgot what he wanted. "I-I'm s-sorry, L-Let's just go..." I say as I look up from his chest. "Are you sure? You don't see---" I cut him off "I'm fine!" I pull back and open the door. "Okay, But if you need anything you can always ask me!" He said while getting out. I look down then back up.
"Are there any wild animals there?" I ask as we walk towards the spot, "I've only seen deers but probably." he replies, "PROBABLY???" I walk closer to him, "What are you scared?" he chuckles, "N-No.." I pout.
"We're here, I think" Denis says at a broken down wedding, which would've looked beautiful if it wasn't broken, "Uhhhh Are you sure this is the right spot?" I look at him, "Yeah... It just needs a bit of fixing but It'll be fine" he says, walking around.
"Mhmm, And what about how much it'll cost, huh?" I put my hands on my waist, "Don't worry about it~", "Oh yeah I forgot you were a millionaire" I roll my eyes playfully, "Not millionaire but close" he chuckles, "Let's look around!" I grab his arm, "Oh Sure! I hope a bear doesn't attack us~" he teases me, "Shut up~" I drag him to a random direction in the forest.
"We can probably set temporary rooms and stuff for changing clothes and stuff, right?" "I was thinking we have to come dressed but I guess that works" he replies, "Yeah but, It wouldn't be fun if everyone already knew what you look like before the wedding" I tell him while jumping over a branch of a tree, "Wdym ‘wHaT i LoOk LiKe’ ofc they know what I look like" he joked while simply walking over the branch.
I start walking backwards to see him "Do you have anything else planned? Like you know, there are countless things you can do on your wedding day~" I say, "Yeah! Actually, I hv alot of ideas that I'm thinking of doing!" He smiles, "AND WHAT ABOUT THE CAKE!!! I LOVE CAKE!!!", he chuckles "Yes there willl beeeee.. I'm thinking red velvet or vanilla.", "RED VELVET!!!! I LOVE RED VELVET!!!",  "It's my wedding, You do know that right?" he smiles and rolls his eyes playfully, "Yeah Yeah" I turn around and hit my head somewhere "owww" I wince, "Are you ok?" Denis asks, he sounded like he was gonna start rolling on the floor laughing. "I'm fine" I pout while rubbing my head, "Ok then..." he starts laughing. "Hey!" I frown and punch his shoulder lightly, "AHHAHAHAHAHAHA" he starts crying laughing, "IT ISN'T THAT FUNNY!!!" I roll my eyes.
After a little bit we go back to the location and decide to fix it ourselves a little bit. I get a call from Alex so I walk towards the car and pick up the call.


"Hey Babe! I need help with something!"

"Aren't you with Corl!?! Don't call me that infront of him!"

"Yeah but he's not here. I just wanted to know, what's ____*Insert Name*____ address?"

"Oh uhm it's _________ why? Weren't you supposed to just print them?"

"and mail them!"

"Oh yeah, that too"

"Uhm.... I also wanted to ask.. Why didn't you come with me? We would've had alone time together"

"Oh uhm... I didn't realise that... I just wanted to help with the location, I'm sorry" I look down.

I lied, I'm lying, I'm a liar, I never liked liars but here we are, I've been lying my whole life.

"It's okay, baby. Be safe, Love you"

"L....Love you too..." he hangs up.

"Why did you do this to me..."

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔇𝔢𝔳𝔦𝔩'𝔰 𝔖𝔬𝔫𝔤 ✈︎ 𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪Where stories live. Discover now