The Kiss

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Denis' P.O.V:

My wedding is in about 15 hours...

It's 2 in the night

Everyone went to bed early, except Elijah and Alex who were dropping Gabby off to the hotel. She really wanted to follow the tradition of not seeing each other for 24hrs. I missed her, and for some reason I missed Elijah too.. Alex said that Elijah and Albert were gonna hang out for a little bit but it didn't seem a little bit anymore.. It had been long enough. He should've been back by now. Where could he even be?


My gazed swooped to the door as I reached for the handle. Opening the door, Elijah was behind the door with an awkward smile on his face. "Sorry, Bye" he mumbled trying to walk past me but I stopped him. "Where have you been?? I've been worried about you" I say concern taking over my face. "I was....Stuck in traffic?" he said, unsure. I sighed, "Elijah... You don't ne--", "Your not my mom" he cut me off, walking past me. I furrowed my brows in confusion at the sudden mood change. "Well, since you won the whole ‘being my best man’ thing, I would need your help tomorrow so you should get sleep." he just waved me off.

♫︎5 hours later, 6 in morning♫︎

I was shaken awake by, Elijah. The sun was shining bright through the windows, almost blinding. "Wake up! We still need to get shit done" Elijah was on top of me. Again? He slid off. He walked off like nothing happened. I groaned and sat up, absolutely blinded by sun rays. There was a tray with breakfast on the night stand. I let a out a breathy laugh before eating. I had a feeling this was gonna be a looonnnggg day. (it wasn't)
I got up and freshened up; brushed my teeth, showered, etc etc. I saw Elijah at the door, waiting with a small suit case in hand. "Come on, hurry up! I already sent Alex and the others, they're probably already helping Gabby and the others" Elijah rolled his eyes, He seemed off but I decided not to question. Elijah basically dragged me to the car and drove to the location. He had an ‘comforting’ hand on my knee, that I didn't mind.
We parked and the tents seemed to be all set up, Tables for food to be placed on, the platform I would be standing on with my, soon to be wife, nerve racking honestly. I suddenly felt so,.. Nervous. My palms starting to sweat. "Do I want to do this? Wait, What am I thinking!?! Of course I want to do this or I wouldn't hv been planning this for over a month before the actual proposal and... Things changed,... NO IT DIDN'T, WHAT AM I THINKING!?!" I take a deep breath to calm myself down. I didn't even realise we were now at a small van, far away from... everything. It was surrounded by trees, and trees only. Of course I could see the faint white and blue tents and decorations but, it was for the most part,.. away from everything.
Elijah and I climbed in, Elijah set the small suit case on the table and opened it. It had mine and his suit. "We don't need to dress up right now, since there's like... 10 hours left but... We still need to help with a food and the stuff for the overall party. We also have to tell the priest the directions since they'll probably be confused as to where to go and.... I think that's all" Elijah concluded, looking everywhere but me. I simply nodded.

For the rest of the time, We waited for the chefs, reminded them what to cook, talked to the hired servants for the wedding, and sometimes just take small walks through the forest. Nothing much, until of course the bride, Gabby, showed up, It was time already.
I was in the van with Elijah, helping me with my tie. "How do I look?" I asked hesitantly. "Good, Just need to brush your hair and..." he backed up "change your pants..?" He said looking down. I looked down, I was still wearing my sweatpants. I cursed under my breath before looking up at Elijah. He had a small smile on his face, it looked like a sad one. I sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose. Elijah put an assuring hand cheek, rubbing his thumb on it before leaving me to change, again. I guess my nervous-ness popped right outta me.
I slid out of the sweatpants and put on the dress pants to go along with my black suit.
My palms were super sweaty making everything slippery and hard to grab but I also managed to pull my shoes. I heard a knock on the door so I got up and opened the door. Elijah gasped, "What?" I ask a little surprised at the sudden noise. He shook his head, "Just that.... Nothing" He smiled. He climbed in, "Now I'm gonna brush and set your hair and we'll be done." He gave the small sad smile again as he grabbed the comb and the hair gel. He made me sit on the chair and brushed my hair.
I could feel his breath on my forehead. It was cold. "Are you cold?" I asked, furrowing my brows in worry. He just smiled and continued to comb my hair. After a while he turned me to look in the mirror, and it looked gorgeous. I have never styled my hair like this. It was so fluffy yet so settled. A smile crept on my lips. Elijah's eyes seemed to drift away from the mirror to me. I looked back, meeting his gaze. I stood up, "I-I think I'm ready" I mumbled. He smiled up at me. Tears seem to collect in his eyes. He let out a shaky breath looking away then looking back. "Alex will be walking you down the aisle... I'll be here. Probably... I don't think I'll be able to face anyone after this.. I never really felt enough for anyone really. And the he also is there to make it worse.. I'm just a puppet" he blurted out. My eyes widening, my eye brows furrowing. I was speechless, confused and basically didn't know what to do. He gave another sad smile before putting a hand on my cheek, making me lean down. He connected our lips, his eye closed, brows furrowed. My eyes even wider then before. He pulled back pushing me out of the van telling me it's time to go and get married.

"What. The Fuck. Just happened-?"

I want to complete this story now.

I'm having too many ideas for book 2 and others and I don't want to just not write and continue the story.

There might be short chaoters in a row though </3

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔇𝔢𝔳𝔦𝔩'𝔰 𝔖𝔬𝔫𝔤 ✈︎ 𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪Where stories live. Discover now