3-Simple Egg and Tomatoes

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Izuku went back to the supermarket to repurchase the goods he lost. After that, he finally decided to head back home with no interruptions.

When he was on his way home, Izuku coincidentally saw Midnight with a troubled face surrounded by a bunch of men with stupid looks on their faces.

Izuku walked towards the crowd and pulled Midnight towards him.

"My, aren't you energetic bunch of men~" said Izuku with Midnight's head leaned on his chest.

"What the f*ck dude?" Mind your own business!" complained one person from the crowd of men surrounding Midnight as he grabbed Midnight's arm.

The guy tried to pull Midnight towards them but his hand got smacked by Izuku.

"Ouch! That hurt you b*tch!" exclaimed the guy, feeling a stinging pain from his hand being smacked.

The guy was still persistent as he once again tried to pull Midnight away from Izuku's grasp but Izuku kept slapping his hands away. This continued for a short while until Izuku finally lost his temper as he slapped the hell out of the guy's face.

"W-why did you slap my face motherf*cker!?" yelled the guy, holding his reddened cheek with a hand mark slapped on it.

'Izu's protecting me~ Hehehe~!' thought Midnight, savoring the moment while being held on Izuku's arms with a lewd look on her face.

"My, my, I really can't have you behaving like that to my wife now can I?" said Izuku, with a tick mark on his forehead as his hand is still smoking from slapping the guy.


Every guy surrounding Midnight went agape as they got taken by surprise by what Izuku had said.

The guy got shocked for a moment but managed to compose himself afterwards.

"What did you say b*tch?! If you're her husband then I'm your father." laughed the guy as a few of the men around also joined in laughing.

Izuku didn't reply as he sent another slap on the poor guy's face, now on the other side of his cheek.

"I don't remember my father looking like a dried up pair of balls." replied Izuku still keeping a friendly(?) smile on his face.

"That's it!" yelled the guy as he grabbed Izuku's shirt.

Before he could even do anything, Midnight shrugged his hand away from Izuku.

"Get your filthy hands away from my Hubby!" exclaimed Midnight, releasing sleeping gas from her body which made the guy who grabbed Izuku's shirt and the rest of the men around collapse to the ground.

Midnight grabbed Izuku's hand and pulled him as the both of them ran.

(Midnight's Quirk doesn't affect Izuku by the way)

After they reached quite a distance away from those maniacs, Midnight and Izuku stopped for a breather.

Midnight would have loved getting all this attention from several fanboys/girls if it was in the past but, the one and only attention she wants now is from her beloved husband Izuku Midoriya.

"I'm sorry I got you mixed up in that Izuku." apologized Midnight.

"It's okay dear, I'm just glad you're alright." smiled Izuku.

"You~!" teared up Midnight as she embraced Izuku passionately in public.

Izuku reciprocated the hug as by now, the two looked just like your run-of-a-mill stupid couple.
After a few more walks, the two finally arrived home with Midnight carrying the other half of the handle of the grocery bag with Izuku carrying the other side.

"By the way dear, how come you came home early today?" asked Izuku as he started unpacking the groceries he bought.

"I have no lesson this afternoon and my Hero work is being covered by a colleague today." replied Nemuri, taking off her Hero costume and changed into a much more comfortable homely attire.

"If you don't have anything to do, how about helping me prepare dinner?" suggested Izuku which made Nemuri's face light up.

"Really?" exclaimed Nemuri as she waltzed to the kitchen and joined Izuku in preparing food.

The reason Nemuri was excited was because she cannot be left in the kitchen alone to cook by herself or else it's going to be a disaster. That's why Izuku is always in charge of the cooking. This time is different as Izuku is there to accompany her.

"Yeah, you can start by peeling and chopping these vegetables first." replied Izuku, giving Nemuri potatoes and carrots to peel.

"What are we having tonight dear?" wondered Nemuri, as she began peeling the vegetables.


"Yey! I'm excited for tonight's dinner then!" replied Nemuri.

While chopping the potatoes, the edge of the knife somehow hit her finger as it bled a little. "Ouch!"

Izuku halted what he's doing to check in his wife.

"What happened Nemuri?" asked Izuku, going towards her.

"I injured my finger with a knife. I'm sorry Izu." replied Nemuri when suddenly, Izuku grabbed her hand and sucked on her wounded finger.

This made Nemuri blush madly as she got caught unprepared for one of Izuku's surpise attacks yet again.

"W-what are you doing Izu?!" blushed Nemuri.

Izuku grabbed her and made Nemuri sit on the couch with a med kit on his grasp.

"We can't have it leave a scar on your beautiful fingers dear." replied, disinfecting the wound and put a bandaid over it.

"I'm really sorry Izu, I'm useless in the kitchen." apologized Nemuri.

"It's okay dear, you don't have to apologize for something so trivial." replied Izuku, patting her head.

The moment they had was kinda romantic when suddenly, Nemuri's stomach growled like it's ready to eat somebody. This made her extremely embarrassed in front of her husband.

"You didn't have lunch yet did you?" asked Izuku.

Nemuri just noddedher head in embarrassment.

"I'll work something out, wait here." noted Izuku as he went back to the kitchen to prepare something for Nemuri to eat. Izuku cracked up some eggs and picked some fresh tomatoes in their backyard in which he personally grew himself.

After a short while of waiting, Izuku arrived with a plate of food on his hand.

Izuku put the dish on the table in the living room and gave a spoon to Nemuri to use.

"It might not be much but it will keep your stomach from growling." said Izuku jokingly.

"Stop teasing me~" muttered Nemuri, playfully hitting Izuku's shoulder.

"Well, I'm going back to the kitchen. Just tell me if you finished eating."

With that, Izuku left and had gone back to the kitchen leaving only Nemuri with the dish in front of her.

Although what Izuku made is just a simple scrambled eggs with tomatoes, Nemuri still can't help but salivate as she plunged the spoon upon the fluffy scrambled eggs.


Nemuri then put a spooful up her mouth.


The flavorful taste of the well seasoned eggs coated her mouth with deliciousness and the ripe red tomatoes' sweetness and tartness just made it's taste even better.

"Itsh sho delishoush!~" moaned Nemuri, stuffing her mouth even more with the dish as she finished eating in a flash.

Nemuri washed it all down with a glass of cold water afterwards after eating and it surely hit the spot. In a few moments, she fell asleep on the couch as she was already full.

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