9-Bento II

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"Oh, Izuku. What brings you here?" wondered Nezu.

"Just came for a visit with old friends." replied Izuku, taking a seat at the vacant couch.

"Seems you have already adjusted to normal life now here. That's fortunate." answered Nezu, seeing that Izuku is now living a normal life as a househusband.

A certain skinny man with blond hair is also present inside the office.

"Youre here too Toshinori, still not retiring?" said Izuku.

"I will retire once I found my successor." replied Toshinori with a somewhat serious expression.

"If you're looking for a successor, why not pick that brat that you saved from that Sludge Villain?" suggessted Izuku.

"Do you think that kid's capable of weiding OFA?" questioned Toshinori.

"That brat might be rough on the edges but with a little sharpening, he's going to be a viable candidate for OFA." explained Izuku.

"Why don't you try that kid Izuku mentioned Toshinori? Since Izuku recommended that kid, he must be worth the shot." added Nezu, handing Izuku a cup of fresh made tea.

"If you really highly suggest that kid, maybe I'll test him out." concluded Toshinori.

The three then talked about things to catch up on each other's lives.

"I can't believe you really got married, and with Nemuri at that." talked Nezu.


How Izuku and Nemuri met was actually kind of funny. It all happened three years ago when Nemuri is doing her job as a Hero.

Back then, there is a robbery in a mall within Masutafu City which were done by Villains with dangerous Quirks. Nemuri and the other Heroes pursued the Villains inside the building and to protect the civilians as well.

Izuku was just carefreely about to eat his bought ice cream in a cone despite all he commotion. This caused him to be eyed by a Villain that Nemuri is currently chasing to take Izuku as a hostage.

The Villain got to Izuku and pointed a sharp bone that protruded from the Villain's palm and aimed it at Izuku's neck.

"Step back you shitty Hero! One more step and this guy dies!" warned the Villain, pushing the tip of his sharp bone on Izuku's neck to make it bleed a little as a warning to Nemuri but the sharpened tip of the bone can't seem to even pierce Izuku's skin which made the Villain uneasy.

This caused Nemuri to halt on her tracks because the Villain has held a hostage and Nemuri didn't want to make any casualties by acting rashly.

Nemuri then had an idea, she slowly walked towards the Villain and sneakily rip her costume for her to use her Quirk.

When Nemuri found the opportunity when the Villain had loosen it's guard, she released Somnambulist at the Villain to knock him out.

This approach worked as the Villain immedately went unconscious upon taking a whiff of the sleeping gas. Although it's successful, it was strange to Nemuri though as Izuku still stood there seemingly unaffected by her Quirk.

Izuku sneezed upon breathing in the purple gas which caused the ice cream to slip on top of the cone he's holding and drop to the ground.

"I haven't even got to taste in yet~"

The cute frown from Izuku's face when the ice cream fell was a trigger to Nemuri. The moment she saw that, it was love at first sight.

Nemuri's body unconsciously walked towards Izuku and held both his hands together.

"I-I love you! Will you marry me!?" proposed Nemuri boldly.

Flashback end...

"Well, that sure was an unprecedented encounter." reminisced Izuku.

Suddenly, the door opened revealing a middle aged beautiful woman probably in her early thirties wearing a nurse's clothing as her Hero costume.

Suddenly, the door opened revealing a middle aged beautiful woman probably in her early thirties wearing a nurse's clothing as her Hero costume

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"I heard that Izuku came, it seems it's true." stated Recovery Girl as she saw Izuku casually chatting with Nezu and Toshinori.

"How have you been Chiyo? Good to see you doing well." greeted Izuku.

"The devil teacher is back. Everytime I see you, my head hurts." said Recovery Girl, pinching the bridge of her nose.

A few years back, Izuku was especially requested by Nezu to temporarily teach at U.A for a month as there had been a shortage of staff. Izuku considering himself as a good friend accepted Nezu's abrupt request.

It was supposed to be a good thing since he and Nemuri can see each other for much longer time and get to work together in school. It wasn't the case for the students though as it was a complete nightmare for them.

Izuku was given the Heroics subject and that was probably the worst subject Nezu could have assigned him as Izuku's class is a walking abomination.

There wasn't a day where Recovery Girl's office wasn't empty as there's always students admitted everytime Izuku's class is held. At that time, Recovery Girl lost count of the students she had tended to at that span of time. The class is just beyond the students capabilities as the Hero training is just so difficult.

Those who can't handle Izuku's Hero training or those students who picked a fight with him we're either sent to the infirmary or got covered in bandages but those who overcame Izuku's class got a major power up in their overall skills and abilities.

Even in just a month's time, Izuku made a name for himself in school, 'Innocent Faced Devil'.

"Kya, that sure brings back memories. Thank you for making me remember those wonderful times." said Izuku, remembering the days he teached at U.A.

"Wonderful times my ass, those days were my worst days in working here in U.A." complained Recovery Girl, pinching Izuku's cheeks.

"How can you flirt with me Chiyo, you know I'm already married." uttered Izuku which got him a smack on the head by Recovery Girl.

"Who's flirting with you!? You happy go lucky bastard."

"Recovery Girl, calm down and let's leave them for now." said Toshinori, pulling Recovery Girl who is now breathing fire from her mouth from agitation out of the room.

"It seems Chiyo still hasn't forgotten those days you flood her office with patients." said Nezu.

"I'll make it up to her." replied Izuku, awkwardly laughing.

Nezu and Izuku talked for a little while more. After that, Izuku finally decided to head home.

"I'll see you around Nezu." said Izuku, walking towards the door.

"Yes, see you soon Izuku." replied Nezu.

With that, Izuku went back to the staff's office to pick Eri up.

"Eri, I'm back."

"Papa!" exclaimed Eri excited as she ran towards Izuku to embrace him.

"You're back darling." said Nemuri.

"Yes, we'll be going back home first dear." stated Izuku, giving Nemuri a kiss on the forehead.

Izuku and Eri went back first after saying goodbye to Nemuri. Izuku then head to the supermarket to buy some necessities together with Eri before going back home.

Izuku's Way of the House Husband (IzukuxNemuri) Where stories live. Discover now