13- Steak Fried Rice

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"I dare you say that in front of my face again!"

This is the very first time Shigaraki felt what true fear is. This kind of oppression is something he never felt before, not even to his all powerful master All for One.

The one in front of Shigaraki is not supposed to be considered human at all. It's like the grim reaper has come for him.

"I-I'm sorr~ry." these are the words that unexpectedly came out of Shigaraki's mouth with tears now flowing from his eyes.

Never had he expected that these pitiful words would be uttered by him just to beg for his life.

"Oh my~, what have I done?~" said Izuku, letting go of Shigaraki as he slumped to the ground with bubbles forming on his mouth, passed out.

The menacing aura around Izuku immediately disappeared and he returned to his usual self like nothing ever happened.

"I've done it again, I really need to control my temper~" said Izuku to himself, resting his cheek on his palm.

After a short while, Shigaraki slowly gained consciousness and the first thing he saw is Izuku's face.

"Thank goodness you're still alive~ It's going to be troubling if you didn't wake up.." said Izuku in delight clapping both his hands.

Fear once again swallowed Shigaraki whole.

Without Shigaraki noticing, his body moved on it's own and ran away as fast as he can.

'I need to get away from that monster!' screamed Shigaraki on his mind with his face pale as sheet.

"Ara~ Am I that scary?" wondered Izuku as he just let Shigaraki get away.

With that, Izuku hurried back home to prepare a meal they are going to eat this dinner.

Before Izuku begins cooking, he needs to fetch Eri from school since it's already about time her school finishes.

"It's already 4 huh? Might as well check on Eri." said Izuku as he drove to his little girl's school.

"Papa!" exclaimed Eri as she ran towards Izuku that's waiting for her outside of her school.

"Did you have fun dear?" asked Izuku as he picked up Eri.

"Yeah! I made even more friends, and Shin is is also very nice to me." replied Eri smiling.

Shin, Shin, Shin...

These words immediately came repeating inside of Izuku's head as soon as he heard it from Eri.

"E-Eri dear, do you get along with this Shin well?" asked Izuku.

"Yes, I like him a lot." smiled Eri as a radiant light emanated from her.

Maximum Damage!!

Izuku felt that his heart just crumbled.

"Maybe I'll meet this Shin boy you're talking about sooner or later." smiled Izuku as he put Eri inside the car.

With that, the two of them went home.

At the kitchen...

With Izuku finished tending on Eri, he can finally start cooking.

With Izuku finished tending on Eri, he can finally start cooking

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Hmm, how should I cook this beef?"

Izuku then figured out how he should cook this delicacy. He reached out for a pan and threw it in the stove in medium heat. While the pan is heating, Izuku chopped some garlic.

Izuku then sliced a moderate portion of beef and cut it in bite sized pieces.

After that, Izuku oiled the pan and sauteed the garlic. He then slaps in the beef slices and seasoned it with salt and pepper as he sears the beef.

As soon as the beef cooks, Izuku puts in leftover rice to the pan. He then seasoned it with soy sauce, pepper, oyster sauce. After that, he mixed the ingredients together. To add a bit of nutritive value, Izuku added some diced carrots and peas to the mix. When it's about to finish cooking, Izuku then puts in chopped scallions for aroma and added pleasing look.

Now, the steak fried rice is finally finished. Izuku then refrigerated the spare beef as it's planned to be prepared tomorrow.

As Izuku prepares the dinner table, Eri came walking in as she got led by the smell.

"It smells good papa." said Eri as she took the amazing whiff of the dish Izuku cooked.

"Are you hungry dear?" Let's just wait for mama and eat together ok?" replied Izuku.


Seconds after that, the door opened revealing Midnight.

"I'm home." said Midnight in a somewhat tired tone as she's finally got laid out of work.

"Mama!" exclaimed Eri as she jumped on Nemuri.

"Eri, how was your day?" asked Nemuri giving Eri kisses.

"Its was great!" replied Eri giggling.

Eri then ran to the kitchen and washed her hands to get ready for dinner.

"Welcome home dear." welcomed Izuku as she gave Nemuri a quick peck.


"Do you want to have dinner first, or take a bath or...wata~"

Izuku's monologue was then interrupted when Eri called out to them. Of course this caused Nemuri to let out a single tear on her eye as she was looking forward to what Izuku would say.


"Papa, mama let's eat I'm hungry~."

"Coming dear." replied Izuku as both of them went to the table as well to eat dinner.

Eri dug in first and as soon as she had her first bite, her eyes sparkled with delight.

"Itsh sho delishush!" mumbled Eri as she bit into the tender wagyu beef.

Nemuri also took a bite as she was curious of what made Eri make that reaction.

As to her surprise, she also made the same reaction.

"Izu, is this?"

"Yes it's wagyu." replied Izuku.

"But it's expensive." said Nemuri.

"Don't worry, it's my treat as it's only once in a while and the main course is tomorrow's breakfast." winked Izuku.

This made Nemuri smile as she considers herself extremely lucky to have such a man as a husband.

That night, the family had a wonderful dinner as they talked about their day around the table.

Izuku's Way of the House Husband (IzukuxNemuri) Where stories live. Discover now