15- USJ Invation II

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Shigaraki had cold sweats coming down from his face as he feels suffocated from Izuku's gaze.

"W-why is that monster here!?" stuttered Shigaraki in a trembling manner.

"Katsuki-chan, join the rest of your classmates there as I will take care of the rest." instructed Izuku to Bakugo.


Izuku just smiled at Bakugo and added. "My my, are you rebelling against me now?"

"Eeekk!" exclaimed Bakugo as he ran towards the rest of his classmates.

Izuku took notice of the surroundings, the situation is indeed quite bad. The students are terrified, both Aizawa and Thirteen are down with severe injuries, and Allmight also got defeated.

The Nomu then got enraged as it shrugged Izuku's hand off and took a few distance away from Izuku.

"That man seems to be strange. To be that calm even in this kind of situation." said Kurogiri observing the situation.

"That person is dangerous. A cheat!" growled Shigaraki, biting his fingernails.

"But he's still no match for the Nomu that can even defeat Allmight. Nomu! Kill that guy!" ordered Shigaraki.

The Nomu charged towards Izuku at an insane speed intending of battering him.

"This is really getting annoying." said Izuku as he leaped from the ground and bashed the Nomu's head to the ground squashing it against the floor.

The students cheered from what they witnessed but all that cheering came to a sudden halt when a headless Nomu got up from the ground with it's head regenerating itself.

"It's going to take more than that to kill Nomu!" screamed Shigaraki.

'This man is indeed dangerous. To think he can crush the Nomu's head easily when Allmight can barely scratch it.' analyzed Kurogiri.

Izuku looked at the Nomu with a scowl stamped on his face. "You're really getting on my nerves now."

Izuku clenched his fist and withdrawn it back preparing for a solid hit. The vein on his hand and arms bulged as fiery scale like patterns formed from it. The scales formed up to his neck as well as the side of his face and single horn protruding from his forehead revealing a dragon like appearance coupled with his blood crimson eyes.

"This is bad, all of you hide behind the bus and protect yourselves!" instructed Midnight hurriedly as she gathered the injured Heroes and the students behind the bus to take cover.

"Who is that person Midnight-sensei?" asked Ochako.

"Huh? Him? He's my husband." replied Midnight.

"What?" exclaimed the students except Bakugo who already knew.

With this, a partial reveal of Izuku's Quirk 'Calamity' finally came to show itself.

Izuku hurled a powerful punch towards the Nomu's chest. The impact of the punch was so destructive, the whole area shook as if an earthquake happened.

The Nomu's body got obliterated out of existence as a pair of it's legs remained but those remains also began to crumble away.

The Villains were in disbelief of what they saw. They just witnessed their trump card to defeating Allmight got ended that easily.

"T-this is impossible. How can this happen?!" trembled Shigaraki, knowing that their invasion came to a failure.

Izuku reverted back his form and threw a pebble at Allmight's forehead.


"How long are you going to lie down there? If Nana Shimura saw this she'd be very upset to see the state you're in right now." said Izuku.

"I'm still human you know unlike you." replied Allmight as he slowly got up.

Izuku then stomped on Allmight's foot and pinched his ear. "So you're saying I'm not human then?" smiled Izuku.

"O-ow! how could a monstrous person like you still be called a human?" replied Allmight as his feet got stomped hard again.

"We need to get out of here." said Kurogiri as he instructed Shigaraki that they must flee as soon as possible as the odds are against their favor with the Nomu utterly defeated.

"Hey you! What's your relationship with Nana?!" yelled Shigaraki as he overheard their conversation.

Shigaraki then got pulled to Izuku by a strange force as Izuku strangled his neck.

"Shigaraki!" exclaimed Kurogiri.

"Tell me, how did you know her?" questioned Izuku tightening his grip of Shigaraki.

"He's Nana's grandchild." answered Allmight in a low voice.

"What? This boy is her grandkid?" said Izuku as he let go of Shigaraki.

*Cough* *cough* Shigaraki finally regained his breathing.

"H-how do you know Nana you damn bastard?!" stammered Shigaraki.

"Well, how should I put this..." replied Izuku, thinking of what to say.

"He's an acquaintance of your grandmother back in the past." answered Allmight in Izuku's stead.

(The truth is Izuku was once Nana's lover)

Just when Shigaraki was about to say anything a portal opened besides him and Kurogiri pulled him in cutting their conversation off.

With that, both Kurogiri and Shigaraki managed to escape but the rest of the villains present didn't meet the same fate as they all got captured when the rest of the Heroes arrived.

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