Chapter 8. If You Think I'm Bad

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Remi's POV

My butt was against something that was as hard as a rock. I squinted through sleepy eyes and saw that I had fallen asleep on the couch. It wasn't dark anymore. I yawned and closed my eyes again—not much caring about what was behind me.

"Dad's going to be home soon, and I really doubt he wants to see you two curled up on the sofa like that," Ryan said.

My eyes shot open, and found my brother looking at me with humor in his eyes, and Sydney stood beside him with a small smile. Ryan and Syd left the living room.

I pushed my butt further back and closed my eyes, and that's when the realization hit me that Luis was behind me. 

Luis spoke first, "Do you mind not rubbing your ass against me—at least, not unless you're going to—"

"Seriously, Luis? That's gross."

"Sorry, snickers, I had a good dream about you. That's all," he murmured. His hot breath fanned across my neck and cheek at the same time that his arm wound tighter around my waist. He inhaled deeply, and his lips stopped at my ear lobe. "You smell so good."

"Luis. . ." I trailed off and swallowed hard. "We should really get up before my dad gets here."

"I'm already up."

"Luis!" I hissed.

He started laughing, but he stopped short when we heard the door slam.

"Kids!" Dad called.

"I'm down," Luis said, and he wasn't joking.

I giggled. "Afraid of losing it?"

"Your dad is crazy as fuck," Luis agreed. "You don't know him like I do."

When we walked into the foyer, Dad greeted us and smiled warmly at us. "You two must have worked things out," Dad said. 

"With a lot of effort on my part," Luis added.

I elbowed Luis in the ribs. 

"Good because Lucifer and I have to go out of town for a week or two." 

My eyes flickered between Luis and Dad. Luis seemed to understand the statement Dad made better than I did. "Keeping secrets?" I asked and tilted my head.

"Not a secret. Just business," Dad clarified. "It's nothing that would even interest you, sweetheart. Ryan will be staying at Luis's place too. It's just something we do when Lucifer and I go out of town because it's better than being alone. You're welcome to stay home if you like but being you two are an item. . ."

I scoffed, "Well—"

Luis poked me in the ribs from behind, cutting off what I was about to say and my train of thought. 

I stumbled slightly and cleared my throat. "You're right. I wouldn't want to be in this big house all by myself."

"Okay." Dad rocked back on his heels with his hands in his pockets, looking as if he had more to say but wasn't sure how to say it. "You'll be going over there today. Don't be afraid to ask Kat if you need anything at all. You should go pack."

"Yeah," I agreed. I started for the stairs, but Luis gripped my wrist tight enough to keep me in place and remind me of something that I forgot to do. It's supposed to look real—Luis's words rang in my ears. I turned around and pecked Luis on the lips before making my escape upstairs. Kissing Luis felt strange. Even such a short kiss felt incredibly lengthy. 

I considered carefully what to pack, at first. However, I realized that if I had to come home to grab anything that I probably could because Ryan had a key. I packed what I could think of, including what I had left of feminine products in the event that I got my monthly visitor while I was there—it would be close. 

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