Chapter 22. Coming Out Strong

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Remi's POV

My mother silently stood a few feet from my father with her arms crossed over her chest when I came into the study. Her head snapped in my direction. "What the hell got into you?" Mom asked. She turned to my father. "How could you let her—"

"I didn't let her do anything, Jenna. Don't give me that shit. She's almost an adult. I can't stop her if she's going to have sex. You know as well as I do, if someone wants to have sex, they will find somewhere to do it."

I chuckled at my father and nodded in agreement.

Mom flashed me a glare.

I cleared my throat and straightened out my features. "Look, the only one who should be upset right now is me. You came into my bedroom, which is my personal space, without any warning. No knock, no call, and no text. It's too bad you didn't show up just five minutes later, you would have gotten a better view. If you came here to prove to me that you still know how to make my life miserable, you're succeeding, okay? I'm out of here," I said.

"Wait, Remi. That's not why I came. I'm sorry. I should have called or at least knocked. You're right about that," Mom said stiffly. "I just. . ." she trailed off and stepped in my direction. "Sometimes I forget that you're growing up."

I scoffed. "What do you want?" My eyes held nothing but disgust for her. I didn't want to be forced to see her.

She looked at my father and back to me. "I made some terrible choices. I hurt you and your brother, and I want to make things right."

"Yeah, okay. Who are you, and what did you do with my real mother?" I asked. "Last time I checked, you would throw me to the sharks if it was to save your own pathetic ass."

"Remi," Dad started.

"No. Okay? No. You don't understand what she was like. You knew her twelve years ago. A lot changes in twelve years." I turned to Mom. "Where are Tanner, Zander, and Cassandra?" 

"I'm not sure where Tanner is. Zander and Cass are staying with Aunt Lillian," Mom said.

I snickered, and my gaze fell to my feet. "Oh, I get it," I said as I tried hard not to start laughing like a loon. "He's gone, isn't he?" My eyes locked with hers again. "God, I can't believe it took him as long as it did."

"Watch your mouth," Mom snapped

"Why? You don't want Dad to know how much worse your second husband was? You always told me my father was a monster, but that's a little funny, considering how much scarier Tanner is. Hell. I'll bet he ran off with some sixteen-year-old. He ran off, didn't he?" It was my turn to put the bitch in the hot seat.

"Stop it, Remmington," Mom pleaded.

"What the fuck?" Dad said and forced me to look at him. "What are you talking about, Remi?"

I ran my fingers through my hair. Do I dare? 

"I suppose you and I have nearly the same taste in men, don't we, Remi?" Mom murmured. "Your choices aren't much different from mine. If anyone should understand my reasons, you should."

"Oh my god, are you serious?" I asked Mom.

"Would somebody tell me something?" Dad asked, getting irritated.

"Hey, Lu and Kat are—" Ryan came into the room then, but I had Mom's and Dad's full attention.

"No, I don't think so. I don't think I could ever be as fucked up in the head as you are. I don't think for a fucking second that I would tell my daughter to keep her mouth shut about what my husband did to her. I don't even know what it's like to have a daughter but I know for certain that I wouldn't put her through what you put me through. I hate you. God, if Ryan thinks he has a good reason to hate you. . ." I trailed off. "Understand this, Mother, nobody will ever hate you as much as I do. I'll never forgive you."

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