Chapter 16. Break My Heart

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Remi's POV

As soon as the credits rolled, I spun around, tangled my fingers into his hair, and smashed my lips to his. Throughout the movie, he had been touching me and kissing me, and if it weren't for the fact that the movie was my favorite movie of all time, I would have turned around sooner. I straddled him, rocking my hips back and forth. Luis broke the kiss and gripped my thighs, breathing heavily. The only light on was the television, but I could still make out that look in his eyes—the look of hesitation.

The first night we had sex flashed in my head. We did it a few times before I was completely spent, and I was rather impressed by how much of it I took. Luis wasn't a gentle guy, but I loved that about him. I never cared for rough sex, but for some reason, with Luis, I enjoyed it.

I sighed, grabbed his face between my hands, and forced him to look into my eyes. "What?"

He shook his head. "N-nothing."

"You're lying," I murmured.

"I. . ." he trailed off and closed his mouth. "I don't have any condoms."

"So? Pull out. I have birth control pills."

He swallowed hard.

"That's not it," I guessed. Whatever it was, it was eating at him really bad.

"No," he admitted.

My hands fell from his face. "Damn it, Luis," I muttered. I started to climb off of him.

He grabbed onto my hips to stop me. "Wait," he said, his voice an octave higher. 

My gaze fell to him. I hated all the rejection. Regardless of what he said, the rejection made me feel unwanted. Hurt flashed in my eyes and spread through my chest.

He traced my bottom lip with his thumb, wearing a guilty expression, and then he gently kissed my lips. Without opening his eyes to look at me, he said the last thing I expected to hear from him or any guy really, "I'm in love with you."

"Mm, what?" I asked.

"You heard me," he said, finally looking at me.

I finally let go of the breath I had been holding—I had been waiting for him to laugh or tell me he was kidding, but he didn't. I shook my head as I climbed off of his lap. Already having decided that he was lying, I started for the bathroom, with every intention to get dressed and get the hell away from him.

He followed after me, and as soon as he started talking, I stopped in my tracks but didn't turn to face him. I expected him to take it back, but he didn't. "This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you, Remi. You are, without a doubt, the most psychotic and insecure girl that I know, and I fucking hate that about you!" he snapped.

"Oh, okay!" I spun around to face him and shoved him back. "You're so fucking in love with me, but you think I'm psychotic and insecure?"

"Would you listen to yourself? You're pissed off because I admitted that I love you?"

I threw my hands over my ears. "Ew. God, stop saying that."

Luis grabbed my hands away from my ears and backed me up a couple of feet to the wall. "It's true. I love you—even though you are bat shit crazy! I mean, don't get me wrong, I thought about it, and don't think I didn't try to push it away. It's just my fucking luck that I had to fall for the craziest fucking chick that I ever met in my life. But guess what? It still happened, and there is nothing either of us is going to do to change it now."

"You don't fall in love with someone just because they got on your dick one time," I muttered darkly. Tears welled up in my eyes.

Luis laughed like a lunatic. "Yeah, okay, which would explain why I didn't fall for a single one of the girls that were on my dick before you!" He let go of me but didn't move. "Is it because of him? Because I'm not him. I'll take you home right now. I'll leave you alone, and I won't come after you. If I walk away, I'm walking away for good because I'm tired of being fucked up over you."

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