Chapter 19. I'd Rather Die

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Remi's POV

Never in my life had I felt so guilty—not for hiding things from my father but for not being able to control my hormones. Luis knew it wasn't a good idea for us to be messing around in the bathroom, but I insisted. Me and my stupid, drunk, horny mouth ruined everything.

My dad had Luis pinned against the wall, shouting at him. 

"Dad, stop it!" I shouted. 

"Go home, Remmington," Dad said.

"No." I pulled on my father, but Luis's father stepped in.

"Lyric," Lucifer said sternly. "Let go of my son."

Dad turned to glower at Lucifer. "Your son has caused my daughter nothing but problems since the moment she got back to California."

"That's not true," I argued.

Lucifer sighed, and his eyes shifted warily between Luis and me. "To be honest, I think the kids want to be together. Clearly, they've worked things out," he said and grimaced.

"Dad, let him go. You can't hurt him without hurting me, so, please, just stop," I pleaded as tears filled my eyes. I felt horrible for bringing all of this on them. "It's not even Luis's fault. It's my fault."

"No, it isn't," Luis barked and looked past my dad at me. "She didn't do anything."

"Shut up, Luis," I said. 

Dad looked back at me, confused, and then back to Luis. 

My voice shook violently, but I spoke with deliberation, "I love him."

"Oh, boy," Lucifer said.

Dad let go of Luis and took a step back, staring at me in bewilderment. "Girl, you must be out of your mind."

Luis nodded in agreement.

"Blackmailing is pretty serious."

"I know that," I said and shrugged. "But you weren't there. Luis never treated me badly or forced me to do anything. I could have broken it off with him months ago, but I chose not to. The fight we had in Jamaica was my fault."

Dad pursed his lips. "Remi, sometimes love is blind. I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did. Trusting the wrong person can get you hurt."

"You're not telling me anything I don't already know," I said. "Luis and I are going to be adults soon. So, none of this is even going to matter. I'm going to date Luis with or without your permission—with your blessing would be nice, though."

Dad straightened up and took a step back. He looked at me for a long moment. "I only want what is best for you, and I'm not convinced that Luis is it at all. So, I'm not giving you my blessing, but I'm not going to stop you from seeing him," Dad said and looked at Luis and then at Lucifer. "Lu, I think it's time you find a new hacker." 

"Lyric, come on. Be reasonable," Lucifer argued.

"Believe me. This is me being reasonable." With that, Dad turned and walked back up the hall.

Lucifer, Luis, and I stood in awkward silence until my father was out of earshot. 

"Remmington, I think you should probably go with your dad," Lucifer said.

I sighed and walked silently up to Luis.

Luis stared at me, confused.

I stood on my toes and pecked his cheek. "Bye."

"Bye," he murmured. Luis looked as if he was going to be sick. 

There wasn't much I could say to him to make him feel better at that point, and his father looked like he wanted to talk to him alone. 

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