Chapter 13. Who's Breaking Whose Heart?

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Remi's POV

After smoking a bowl and thinking for a long time, I decided that I was wrong to compare Luis to Andrew. I didn't believe Luis would hit me, but I also didn't believe he wouldn't break my heart.

Tonight, I would make it up to him—but just once and then, it would be over. I tip-toed across the hallway in nothing but underwear and a tank top. If I was being honest, I hadn't had sex in months. Of course, I knew how to take care of myself, but it didn't feel as good as sex did. The alcohol seemed to make that feeling between my legs even worse. 

We both wanted it, and there was no use in denying it anymore. We could have sex without any strings attached. People did it all the time, right? 

I opened his door and closed it softly. I expected him to be in bed, or even possibly asleep, but he wasn't. He had a bottle of Jack on his nightstand and a guitar in his hand. He sat on the side of the bed staring down at his feet, and he strummed the strings with a guitar pick.

He didn't notice me until my feet were between his. His eyes traveled up and stopped at my underwear, lingering there with his lips parted. He gritted his teeth, and his eyes moved up further but stopped at my breasts. My nipples were already hard and easily seen through the thin white tank top. 

"What are you—" he started, but I put a finger over his lips to silence him.

His eyes stayed fixated on mine as I took the guitar from him and sat it down beside him. Luis's chest rose and fell quickly. My finger fell from his lips, and I placed a hand on his shoulder before lowering my mouth to his. 

Luis kissed me back with uncertainty but curiosity—probably wondering how far I was going to take things. I climbed onto his lap and pushed him back so he was lying down. His cock beneath me grew.

Our lips started to move in the same quick rhythm that our hearts did. I rocked my hips, grinding against him, making him grow even harder. I broke the kiss and made my way to the waistband of his jeans.

"What are you doing, snickers?" he whispered.

I unbuttoned his jeans and lifted his shirt, kissing his abs with wet lips, earning a soft moan from him. "I'm sorry," I said between kisses. My hair tickled his skin as my lips trailed up his six-pack. "I didn't mean it."

Luis grabbed a fistful of my hair and made me look up at him. He looked as if he were about to say something but forgot what. 

If it hadn't been for the alcohol and the weed, I never would have been brave enough to come in here half-naked and being all bossy. "Kiss me, Luis."

He pulled me up to him and mashed his lips to mine. All of the carefulness faded. He groaned into my mouth, sending a shiver down my spine. His hands were everywhere as I pushed his pants down. 

Luis's impatience made me feel an incredible way—it gave me confidence. He forced me to sit up, cupping one of my breasts and running his thumb over it. The rocking of our hips caused friction against my clit, making me moan. 

Luis forced me to stop moving and let go of my breast. He stared at me with the most serious expression. I thought for sure he was going to make me talk about what happened earlier.

"Luis," I whimpered in disappointment.

"Put your arms up," he demanded.


"Just do it."

I lifted my arms above my head and understood when he slipped his hands under my shirt. His hands burned my skin as he pushed the shirt up and over my head.

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