Chapter 9. Reevaluate

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Luis's POV

"One kiss. One damn kiss, and then everything turns to shit. I'm beginning to wonder what the fuck I see in women at all," I muttered to myself as I stomped down the hall with a couple of bobby pins. "I must be fucking crazy." I knelt down at the bedroom door and began picking the lock.

"You are crazy," Ryan said as he came down the hall.

I turned my head and gazed in his direction with my eyebrows raised. "Yeah, I know." 

"Bro, if she's mad at you. Leave her alone, trust me." 

"The thing is, she has no reason to even be mad at me. I didn't do anything," I said.

Ryan laughed. "Dude, wrong attitude with women. When you're near them, and they're mad, you need to just kiss ass like you know what you did wrong, and they might forgive you."

I chuckled.

"So, is it worth it?"

"What?" I asked, confused, looking up at Ryan.

He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. "All of this trouble. . . with her." Ryan gestured to the bedroom that Remi was currently occupying.

"Sometimes. . ." I trailed off. "I'm not sure, but I'll never know if I don't try."

"So, what's really going on with you, Luis?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's just some very attractive women—older, younger, and the same age as you throw themselves at you all the time. What made you decide to pursue Remi? If I find out you're doing this to intentionally hurt her or as some stupid bet like with Aleisha—"

I stood up and bit back some of the bark in my voice. The accusation pissed me off. Sure, I made my fair share of mistakes. I hurt people that didn't deserve it, but I thought Ryan knew me a little better than that. "Really? Tell me, Ryan, why would I jeopardize our friendship over a girl? I've fucked up in the past, but I don't deserve that."

"I'm just saying, man. You haven't really been yourself."

I shrugged. "Deal with your sister a little more often, buddy, and you wouldn't be yourself too much either."

Ryan chuckled and walked around me. 

I sighed and knelt back down on the floor. I put the bobby pin back in the door, but before I could finish unlocking it, it opened. 

Remi stared down at me. She wore an oversized sweater and sweat pants. The sweater draped off her shoulder. If I had to guess, she had no bra on—only because there was no bra strap on her shoulder. The sweater was so big, you couldn't make out any of her curves. Yet somehow, she still made my mouth water. The truth is, when I started pursuing Remi, it was because I was so attracted to her physically, and I still am. We have a few good moments here and there, and she makes me feel ways other people don't, but every time I try to get close to her, she shoves me away—which isn't easy on me because it makes me want to not get close to anyone. If I was being honest—I wanted to sleep with her, and that was why I pursued her as hard as I did. I wasn't sure what it was, but something about her messed with me. You know what they say—we always want what we can't have, and Remi gave me hell—and I liked it.

"Are you seriously picking my lock?"

I looked up at her from under my lashes, still on my knees—what a position to be in. Before I could stop myself, I licked my lips and smirked. "You tryna get me in this position on purpose?" I asked. My hands wrapped around her thighs, and I brought her closer to me.

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