Chapter 21. That's Not Fair

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Luis's POV

My balls had never felt so big. I was sick and tired of the bullshit, so I had to set some things straight. It would be either the stupidest or smartest thing I ever did, and I wouldn't know which until it was done and over. Remi and I had been together for nearly six months, and Ryan and Lyric still hated me.

Ryan's eyes widened in shock when I walked into his room. "Dude, what the fuck? Get out of here," he spat.

"No," I said.

Ryan gave me a look of disbelief. "Buddy, I'm not my sister. I'll fuck you up," he warned.

"Tell you what," I said. "If you don't like what I've got to say, then I'll let you kick my ass a second time if it makes you feel better, but you're going to hear what I have to say first. We've been friends for way too long for it to end over some stupid shit like this."

Ryan crossed his arms over his chest. "Five minutes."

I figured it was the best I was going to get, so I started with an apology. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I don't apologize very often, so you ought to know that I mean it. I screwed up with Remmington, at first but we got past it. Don't you think that if she can forgive me for the shit that I pulled on her, you should be able to do the same?"

"Dude, I warned you."

"You did," I agreed. "But things didn't go down as horrible as you and your dad think, and if they had, Remi would have kicked my ass and left a long fucking time ago, but I still see her nearly every night."

Ryan grimaced. "Fine. How did it go down?"

I launched into the story of how Remi and I wound up in a fake relationship and how we wound up falling for each other long before the fight in Jamaica. I even explained how well things were going between us. 

Ryan tried to argue a few points, but I countered them all.

Finally, by the time I was done, Ryan sat down and sighed. "Alright, fine, but we'll never be how we were before. Most of your time goes to Remi, and most of mine goes to Sydney."

"Bro, I get that, but it shouldn't be the way it has been. We've known each other our entire lives. We're supposed to run things when our dads step down, remember? We're family. I'm tired of trying to pretend like it doesn't bother me. I miss you and your dad. My dad misses you guys."

Ryan nodded. "Yeah, same."

"Now, I just have to convince your dad," I muttered.

"Right. . ." Ryan trailed off and chuckled. "Maybe I should go with you."

"That's probably best,"  I agreed.

Talking Lyric down wasn't easy, but with Ryan's help, I finally managed to convince Lyric that he wasn't happy with his new job. Lyric had taken a normal computer job to pass his time, not that he needed it. Thanks to my father, Lyric didn't hurt for money in the slightest. 

What caught us all off guard was when Remi stormed into the room with the most pissed-off look—I was a little afraid that I was on the receiving end but thanked my lucky stars that it wasn't me. Her father took the heat.

"You! I can't believe you! Why would you call that stupid bitch?!" Remi shrieked. 

I grabbed her around the waist before she could get too close to her dad. 

Lyric sighed and stood up. "I just want her to be a part of your life. She needs you and your brother and vise versa."

"I don't need her, and you're out of your fucking mind if you think for a second I'm going back to New York with that snake. You don't understand what she's like. Is this really about Luis and me? So what if I want to be with him? If I get hurt, that's my problem and my business. I can take care of myself and—" Remi suddenly stopped and straightened up as if a sudden thought struck her. "Wait a minute. . ." Remi trailed off and turned to look at me. "What are you doing here?"

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