-Chapter 12-

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Hoseok's grandfather walked inside the house and looked around, his son looked at him and shot a confused look at him

"From where are you coming?"

He smiled and shook his head, he shit the door behind him and quickly walked towards the stairs. The only noise was the Tapping of the cane on the wooden floor

"Aren't you going to say."

The annoying tone of his son caught his attention, he looked at him and sighed

"I was at the Bar."

A loud sigh echoed trough the downstairs floor, the mood was already a bit down and not that happy since they heard that Hoseok was fired, it would've been total chaos if they knew the actual cause because of it

"Tch, you aren't going to waste you're money on that right?"

"Even if I spend a million dollars on it, why would it matter."

"You don't have to be so rude!"

The elder waved his hand in a mocking way towards Hoseok's dad and made his way up the stairs once again

Slow and steady he reached upstairs and made his way towards Hoseok's room, he faintly knocked on it but he dint hear a cheerful respond rather a lazy 'hmm', that made him sad

"Hoseok-ah can I come in?"


He opened the door and saw Hoseok sitting at his desk, he wasn't doing anything just staring out the window and observing nature, the birds that where chasing each other over a peace of bread wa a bit funny to him, he spoke as soon as he heard the door close

"Isn't it nice to see how free mother nature is..while here everybody has to look out for each other, take orders, work for the rich, get treated like total shit, get little to no respect..and you aren't even allowed to be yourself..So pathetic, what an idiotic world we live in."

He could hear and sense that Hoseok was heartbroken by what happend and that totally broke him into peaces

"Hoseok, how are you feeling?"

"...I miss him.."

"Then why don't you go back to him?"

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because we are both male!"

Hoseok yelled out lowering his head immediately after, his grandfather sighed and walked over to his bed and sat on it slowly

"I'm sorry, I dint mean to yell at you."

Hoseok turned his head looking at his grandfather

"It's fine. Would you still want to see Taehyung?"

"...I want to...But...I cant."

Hoseok muttered out softly, his Grandpa frowned and sighed, he placed his other hand on his walking cane and smiled kindly

"Why don't you two just act as friends in public but In private you can do what you like."

Hoseok closed his eyes and let himself lean back in his chair, he brought his hands to his hair and slowly pushed it back

"..easier said then done."

"What do you mean Hoseok?"

"Yeah, what if we get drunk and we do some stuff out in public that might expose us...or what if we accidentally touch each other very intimate and Poeple will see and-"


The sudden change in his grandfather's voice made him startled and immediately sit up straight

"Do you like him yes or no?"


"Then quit hiding it! Express you're love for him, don't let that poor boy wait. He is devestated, He is probably rethinking everything that he did."

Hoseok sighed, he himself thought about everything that happened

"...Well..our first time meeting definitely wasn't the way I imagined to meet somebody..."

"I agree, it was wrong to touch you whitout consent, Who knows what he is going through? But, eventually you liked him back dint you."

"I did, yeah..I want to hug him so badly right now, feel his soft tender skin from his hands against mine, his carefull words spoken by his soft voice..."

"Then do it, go to him, what is holding you back?"

"Everything and everyone except you."


"It is true! Everyone is against this."

"Don't say that.."

"But it is...we should just change ourselfs and adapt into this cruel world, how hard it may be.."

"Stop it."

"We should get a wife get married and start a family."


His grandfather was more angry then upset, he dint want his grandchild to think this way. Like he is the problem in this society, where they don't accept him, they should change not Hoseok

"..Do you think otherwise..."

"Stop trying to change yourself, you can't change. You must show you're love to him not hide behind those million masks, show you're trough self. Yes, yes it is true that Poeple would much rather see you dead, but at least you're happy. And that is the most important thing in the world, I would much rather die knowing that you are happy whit him instead of me dying and knowing that you will spend the rest of you're life being in a relationship whit a female you don't like. "

"...but what about dad.."

"I'm sorry Hoseok, if you're gonna keep thinking about everybody else then I don't know what to tell you anymore. You still do what you want but, if you dare choose other Poeple over yourself then I'm taking all my respect for you whit me to the grave."

Hoseok looked up whit a slight frown, his grandfather definitely had a change in his tone and aura, he looked so upset and that hurted him. His grandpa walked up to him and placed his hand on his shoulder a calm smile appeared on his face

"I might be old and forget some stuff, but my words come from my heart, because I listen to it. Do the same and go to Taehyung."

His grandfather patted his shoulder and left the room closing the door behind him, he was still thinking about what just happened and what was said. He was speaking the truth, but Would Hoseok listen to it?

He wasn't sure weather to follow the advice, ofcourse it was easier said then done...

Sorry this took so long, but this shit school I go to thinks that giving 100000 tasks for the next day is a good thing then shoot me..
Love you, take care <3

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