-Chapter 29-

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"Sir... I.. Mr.Park.." An out of breath man came running towards Taehyung, Taehyung just looked at him in confusion "Stop. Recontain yourself, and then talk to me." Taehyung said as he crossed his arms, Akira nodded and started trying to control his breathing. He was recomposed and looked at Taehyung "I know where Mr.Park hid the boy.." Akira whisperes trying to gain attention from the people walking by. Taehyung looked shocked "Really?" Akira nodded rapidly "Yes, he is hidden in the mountains."

"Do you know the exact location?" Taehyung asked "Yes sir." Taehyung stared at Akira and then pulled him closer by his neck "We go there right now, it is getting dark, clouds are starting to firm and I am sure it will rain heavily soon. But if he isn't there, you are dead." Taehyung said as he abruptly let go of the scared man

"Yes sir."


"..it's so...cold..." Hoseok muttered as he was shivering "I need to get out of here..." Hoseok said as he pulled his knees to his chest, he started moving his arms in a panic and noticed that the rope was a little loose. He tried jitting his hands out of it

After a relatively long time he brought his one hand up to his eye sight "Ahww.." He said as he could feel his other hand getting burn marks from the rope rubbing against his tender skin. Hoseok yelped out in pain as his other hand got loose, he looked at it and could see it wasn't looking good. It was bruised, and a little swollen

He looked around the room and noticed only one single window. And a door, he walked towards the door and tried opening it. No use. Locked shut, he looked at the window, a fairly small one bit big enough that he could fit through it. He slowly made his way over to the window and looked through it, he gasped when he noticed that this was nowhere near the city

He stood up and looked on the floor, behind all the leaves he saw bricks and stones. He picked one up and took a few steps back from the window, Hoseok took his position and threw the stone with all the strength he had left. The shattering sound echoed through the room

Hoseok walked back towards the window and started pushing at the pieces of glass, he then poked his head out of the window and looked down, the drop wasnt that high but it'd still hurt enough.

He sighed and then swallowed hardly, he started trying to move his body to the outside and then looked down "Please do not die.." he whispered to himself before he jumped down, landing on his knees he frowned, the branched and stones digged into his flesh. He got up slowly and wiped the junk off of his pant "Shit.. Where do I go?" he said as he looked at the forest infront of him


Taehyung followed Akira into the mountains, the path was just lit with the gloomy light Akira was holding. The rain was falling onto them and the wind was picking up "Sir be carefull. The path is getting slippery." Akira said, Taehyung just gave a 'mhm' and tried looking out front a small run down two story building was coming in sight. He was holding onto the dagger in his pocket tightly

"Is it that?" Taehyung said trying to get the hair out of his eyes "yes sir.."
Akira sighed and so did Taehyung "If he is dead.. What will we do then sir?"
he said with an unsure tone "We will see then." Taehyung responded coldly before picking up his pace storming over to the building

Upon arriving at the door of the building he noticed how old it was, he pushed on the door with his foot and the screeching noise rang through his head, he could see footsteps on the floor. But they were already fading.. Must've been from somebody some time ago

Akira passed Taehyung and pointed to the stairs "Mr.Park.. Told me he was locked in the upstairs room..." he said as the rain from outside was almost louder than his voice, Taehyung looked up the run down broken stairs "You go first." Taehyung said, Akira looked up the stairs. They looked like it would give up under their weight. Akira sighed and walked over to the stairs. He placed his foot on the first step and slowly made his way up it with Taehyung following closely

Successfully making their way up the stairs they came face to face with a wooden door, the key was still inside of it so Taehyung pushed Akira out of the way and then slowly turned the key. He gently pushed the door open


Well, this was short but yk.
Love you, stay safe <3

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