-Chapter 27-

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Taehyung was sitting on his chair holding his paintbrush in his hand. He just stared at the blank canvas infront of him, he sighed deeply before dipping his brush into the black paint. Moving the brush against the texture of the canvas didn't make him feel relaxed like it used to, it just made him feel anxious
Moving the brush up and down the canvas, each time pressing down harder

After atleast four hours of painting. Taehyung hasn't even taken a break, he was determined to finish this painting. Taehyung frowned upon seeing the finished painting, he dropped his paint brush and the sound echoed through the paint room.  Taehyung grabbed the palet with paint on it and pushed it down on the canvas instantly ruining the hours of work

He grabbed one of his sharper painting tools and started stabbing the canvas, he hated what he painted.
He started breathing heavily before pushing the canvas over. Taehyung stopped with what he was doing and took a deep breath. He seemed to calm down but then turned into a rage monster, he started to destroy his poor room


"I did not do anything, that person is not even Hoseok!" Jimin yelled out defensive while sitting down on the chair "How would we know?" Namjoon said whilst staring at Jimin "How am I supposed to prove this to you, he is a low born... He does not own an ID." Jimin muttered out, Namjoon just sighed "Explain what got him in that state." "He was at my bar because he is a friend of mine, a fight broke out at he took a couple of rough hits in his face, I immediately brought him to the hospital!"

Namjoon looked down, he was confused "Look here, I do not know who is telling the truth. There is no way of knowing this man is, all I can do is call Taehyung in." Namjoon barely finished His sentence before Jimin stood up "No! Taehyung is the root of all my problems, he is not coming near me or my friends!" "Mr.Park calm down." "Please, let me go and visit my friend. I want to know how it is going with him, never believe a word that fraud says!" Namjoon sighed, he leaned back in his chair "I suppose you can leave."

Jimin bowed down and quickly left the building. Namjoon sighed "Now I have to go and talk to him again... This time he will kill me."


Taehyung was laying on his back in the middle of the room, it looked like a tornado had passed through there. He was humming a melody, this seemed to bring him to some sort of peace. But, all of that was disrupted by an obnoxious knock on the door that echoed through the house. He slowly got up and walked out of the room, the silence was loud. Walking down the stairs making his way to the front door

He opened it and rolled his eyes "What are you doing here." "It was not Hoseok, Jimin was with." Taehyungs eye twitched and he turned his head slightly "What?" Namjoon nodded in disappointment "Taehyung, you might have seen wrong." Namjoon said it with an unsure tone, Taehyung laughed like a maniac "Wow wow wow, You are telling me, that I saw wrong and do not know what Hoseok looks like?"

Namjoon frowned "Ye-" he was cut of when Taehyung pulled Namjoon closer by his collar "Do not fuck with me right now." "Let go of me, what is wrong with you." Namjoon pushed Taehyung back abruptly "Where in God's name is Hoseok!?" Taehyung yelled out

"We are working on it... But, we are starting to really think that, Hoseok ran off." Namjoon said those words and they just started ringing inside Taehyungs head. Namjoon noticed and wanted to say something but Taehyung was first "No...Hoseok would.. Never do that..."

Namjoon placed his hand on Taehyungs shoulder and a wave of empathy flood over him "Taehyung, you seem to be in denial. Take a breath, go inside and drink something." Taehyung pushed Namjoons arm away from him "Why do you not believe me! Why are you not doing your goddamn job?"

Taehyungs voice broke at the end "Get inside, And sleep." Namjoon pointed behind Taehyung which to he only frowned "...How can I sleep, when I not know if he is safe?!" "Taehyung, I reassure you, he is safe."

Namjoon bowed before turning around and leaving Taehyungs ground. Namjoon though that he said what had to be said for Taehyung to not create such a fuss anymore, but he was having none of it. Taehyung gritted his teeth and pulled the door close behind him, he knows that Jimin is probably at the bar and so he made his way over there


Taehyung arrived at the bar but yet, he didn't see anybody. He stopped in his tracks when he heard a conversation between two people, he remembered one voice at that was Jimins. He made his way over to the sound and stopped when he noticed it was at the back door from the bar, he stood against the wall trying to hear what was said

"Sir... How is the boy?"

"Better, thanks to me!"

"My apologies sir, I should have handled that situation differently. But I was so stressed that he would get out, it must have taken over me."

"That does not matter right now, we have other stuff to worry about. How is the boat?"

"My father has lended me his fishers boat."

"Okay good, as soon as Hoseok is okay enough to leave the hospital. I shall prepare for my departure."

"Yes sir."

"Head back to your residence, I am heading back inside."

Taehyung frowned as he heard the back door open and close, He heard the other man walked towards the exit of the alleyway. Taehyung grabbed the man and pushed him into the wall, the misterous man shot a look of confusion towards Taehyung "Who are you!" the man yelled out.
Taehyung looked the man up and down and stared at him

"Who are you?"

Hello people, ah yes, I see that I am reaching the end of my book.
Or not 🤨

Okay but for real, looking at my notes, looking at my key words, all my information I have gathered to create this story. An end seems to be getting visble. Unless, I disappear right before the end of the story and then you'll never know how this book will end

Just kidding I wouldn't do that.... Never.... 🙃

Love you, stay safe <3

&lt;The artist&gt; | Taehyung × Hoseok |Where stories live. Discover now