- Chapter 13 -

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"Mother, I am going out whit a friend."

Hoseok's mother looked up in confusion, she stared at her watch and frowned

"Why so sudden? And this late in the day, the sun is already going down?"

Hoseok looked outside the window and frowned, he scratched the back of his head and swallowed hardly, his mother always has forbidden him to go out when the sun is down. His father quickly stood up and looked at Hoseok whit a big smile

"Are you going to visit your lover maybe?"

Hoseok was taken it back by his father's words, he immediately looked at his Grandfather and shot a confusing look at him

"Why would that concern you? Hoseok is now an adult and not a child of two."

His grandfather loudly yelled while sitting in his rocking chair, his father stood up and looked at his grandfather

"Father you know that all sinners and all those filthy sodomite's walk around the streets, I won't let my son turn into a sinner not in any way possible. Hoseok you can go, as long as you stay safe okay?"

Hoseok nodded wildly and opened the door walking outside quickly shutting it behind him walking up the street towards the fancy restaurants and bars

As soon as the door closed his mother dropped her spoon and sighed, she caught the attention of her husband and her father In law, she bit her nails and then spoke

"What do you know about Hoseok? He is my son yet..it seems you know him better than I do."

She spoke whit concern and sadness in her voice a small tremble at the end of her sentence caught her father in law of gaurd

"What do you mean? I know as much from Hoseok as you do."

She shook her head while biting her inner lip, Hoseok's father dint know what they where talking about so he butted in

"What are you two leading up to? Do you think Hoseok is a sodomite?!"

(Sodomite : a person who engages in anal sexual intercourse)

Hoseok's mother looked up and widened her eyes hearing that word yet again, she sighed and frowned

"You have to admit that it is weird that Hoseok doesn't show any interest in females at all. He only had one girlfriend in his life, he was very young back then but now he seems to be leaning more towards males.. I don't know what to think of it.."

Hoseok's father walked towards the stair and turned around

"Don't even think that I will engage in this conversation while you two talk about my son like that, let me tell you what! Hoseok is not what you people try and make him as, he won't turn into one of them! Even if it is the last thing I do!"

He stormed upstairs and slammed the door of their bedroom shut hardly making her flinch and his father sigh

"I know you two dont want Hoseok to be like that, but I think that you will have to start preparing for the future. Your son is starting to know what he wants in his life, and you as his mother you will have to stand behind his decisions that will follow. You have to show him that he can trust you and that he will be able to tell you everything whit out being scared of the reactions. "

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