-Chapter 22-

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"A low born? Valuable?" the man looked at Hoseok and stared confused "Yeah! Just... Do not kill him in the upcoming week, forget what I told you...otherwise.. We are both dead, I nearly have what I want."
The young man walked over to Hoseok and and pushed the hair out of his face "Hoseok-ah.. I actually like you, and I feel bad seeing you in this state.. But, you should have just stayed in your place. You should have  not reached so far."

Hoseok shook his head "I do not know.. what this is about..." The young man smiled "You do, but I am so afraid that we will both die in a gruesome way. Does that not sound terrefying!" He laughed nervously before letting go of Hoseok
"..What do you want from me..." The young man rubbed Hoseoks arm gently and smiled "Are you not asking a little to much of a noble man as yourself coming from such a low rank." Hoseok frowned ".. Just.. Kill me."

The noble man shrugged "Oh no! I wouldn't dare to, otherwise it would not be a game of life and death. I live for excitement." He let go of Hoseok and walked away from him "I have somewhere to be. Do not lay a single hand on him. Got it?"
The man nodded and bowed "Yes sir."
The noble man left the room and it went silent for a couple of seconds "Tch.. These noble mens are the worst. What do they want?"
Hoseok slowly got up and got off of the table and dropped to his knees infront of the man. He looked a little confused but didn't seem to mind the boy at his feet

The man gripped Hoseoks hair pulling his head back "What is your problem so sudden?" Hoseok stared at the men, he bit his lip and tears started forming "Why?" the man looked confused "Why what, speak with sentences." the man let go of Hoseoks hair "I do not.. Know why this is happening please!" "You look so gorgeous like this.." Hoseok frowned when he felt the mans fingers on his lips and slowly trace them

"What can that pretty mouth of yours do?" Hoseok lowered his head and wrapped his arms around the mans legs, slightly annoying him
"Why are you doing this to me!" "You are putting me in a very hard situation, stop it." the man pushed Hoseok back and left the room leaving Him in the room only with the dim light from the lantern inside
Tears streaming down his face, and loud sobbing


"Jimin, have you been up to something lately~" A drunk man gazed upon Jimin as he was pouring a drink, Jimin raised his eyebrow and smiled "No, why do you ask." The man reached over the counter grabbing Jimins hand making him look at the drunken fellow infront of the counter "You seem so nervous, have you finally gotten a new lover~"

Jimin shook his head while smiling "No, why do you ask?" The man bit his lip "That is just good news for me if I say so fairly, we can hit it off. Aren't I one handsome man~" Jimin rolled his eyes and laughed "Yes indeed. If only I ever needed money I would most definitely gladly come to you."

The man clapped his hands and turned around pushing the other poeple that were standing close to the counter. They turned around and stared at the drunk man infront of them "Did you hear that? This young man is a real one!" Jimin smiled as the poeple started looking at him, Jimin put down the liquor bottle and patted the drunk man on his head "Go home sir."

The man frowned "Why? the party is just getting started is it not!" Jimin shook his head "You have been drinking more than I should actually have given you, I can loose this bar because of that. Go back to your mates and find a place in your bed, leave this place in an instance." he pointed to the door with a soft smile

The drunk man tapped the bar with his fingers and nodded "What do I get if I leave right now?" Jimin winked at him "The next time you come here, stay after I close. I'll give you something special." The man smiled widely and nodded, his turned around slowly and poked his friends in the back "Let us go home, Jimin must be tired~"

Jimin flinched when he heard a voice he remembered "Is that how you get drunk men out of your bar." Jimin slowly turned his head and looked at Taehyung standing tall behind him, he got a bit nervous and nodded "Yeah, in the morning they wont even remember a word about what I said..." Taehyung smiled "Did you do that with me also in the past?"

Jimin shook his head "I always gave you what you asked for did I not?" Taehyung smiled and pushed Jimin playfully "Hyung." "Yeah?"
"Can you shut the party down, I have something to discuss with you." Jimin shook his head "I cannot do that just because you please Taehyung."

"How come you can't?" Jimin sighed and placed his hand in his hip a little annoyed "These noble man have a higher rank than us two combined, they rented the bar. If I shut it down, I am as good as closed forever. Do you get that?" Taehyung nodded "Still, how long did they rent it?" "three hours."

Taehyung smiled and pointed to the clock on the wall "It is already ten pm, time has run out. They are currently on private territory are they not?" "Taehyung-ah don't." Taehyung smiled and giggled a bit "You are the only person that Says poeples name like 'Taehyung-ah. Why?" "My dad used to say that to all the time."

Taehyung nodded and then pointed to the poeple "These drunk poeple need to be out right now." Jimin shrugged "Do it yourself, I am not even gonna try." Taehyung nodded and walked from behind the counter, he walked up to a group of poeple sitting at a table "Times up, get out of the bar right now." They didn't seem to notice that Taehyung said anything they just stared at him

"I did not know that Jimin hired men of the night for tonight~" A man suddenly said which caught Taehyung of guard "Excuse me?" "wait.. Taehyung?" He nodded " "Yes?" "What are you doing here, should you not be searching Hoseok?" Taehyung frowned

"What do you mean?!" "Hoseok ran away did he not?" Taehyung looked shocked "Ran away? Not at all, who. Told you that?" "The Handsome bartender told me~" Taehyung turned around and had an immediate gaze upon Jimin as he was flirting with two men that were at the counter. Taehyung bit his lip and his hands slowly formed to fists, he felt furious


I am getting so anxious when releasing a new chapter, the story is actually getting more poeple to read it  then I imagined it to. I am afraid that the story isn't good at all and that the  storyline I created is just shit. But that could be the imagination of it all, I am terrefied 😭

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