-Chapter 20-

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"Hello? Is anybody there?" a females voice was hearable in the distance. Hoseok opened his mouth but no voice came out. The noble man's hand quickly covered so that no sound was let out of Hoseok's mouth "Hello?" she yelled out again

Hoseok tried pulling the hand off of his mouth, little to no air he was taking in. Tears were filling his eyes. The man didn't seem to realize that Hoseok has fallen unconscious


Taehyung was walking down the alley  "Tch... Where are you.." Taehyung started looking for his matches as the cigarette was already in his mouth, he stopped suddenly when a tall man stood in front of him "Kim Taehyung?" Taehyung looked up at the man and narrowed his eyes "Who are you?"

The man laughed and looked at the ground while pulling his hands out if his coats pockets "We need to talk." Taehyung pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and rolled his eyes "I do not have time for you right now, I am dealing with way to much."

The secretive man started waving a box of matches in front of him with a mischievous smirk on his face, this tempted Taehyung as he stuck out his hand towards the man "Would you be willing to talk while having a cigarette?" "Mhm... Go ahead, I will listen."

The man handed over the box of matches to Taehyung and smiled "You know, if you do not want people to find out you smoke, then do not do it here. A lot of people walk passed this alley." Taehyung scoffed "It is not that they cannot know, it is just none of their business. Now I suppose that Is not what you followed me for."

"Of course, My name is Kim Namjoon. I am the head detective at Gangnam-Gu Research office." Taehyung looked him up and down and frowned, he took the cigarette out of his mouth and gasped "Wow, should I be impressed! With your low status and medioker job at some police office in Gangnam." Namjoon kept his smile

"I did not come here to seek validation from you, there would be higher ranked people for that." Taehyung rolled his eyes "What are you here for then, he took a puff and blew out the smoke in Namjoons face. Not a single emotion was visible on his face, he calmly nodded and looked away

"Do you know a man called Jung Hoseok?" Taehyungs face dropped and immediately threw the cigarette away "What about him?!" Namjoon frowned "And looked at Taehyung with a serious face "His family gave him up for missing twenty seven hours ago. Two young men from your district gave a tip that he was last seen at your house. Explain the day that he was there."

"he was at my house almost for two days...he said he wanted to go home to see his family so he did, he said he'd come back later that night but did not... I got worried but did not think much of it, Hoseok has not went home in two days so I dint mind...but he said he would call, he didn't he never lies... I am afraid Hoseok died.. "

Namjoon frowned "May I ask something?" Taehyung nodded "Go ahead." "Are in a romantic relationship with Mr.Jung?" Taehyung paused for a second ".. No.." Namjoon smiled "Ofcourse, Do you perhaps know who park Jimin is?" Taehyung nodded "Yes, why.."

"Did he have contact with Hoseok the day before?" "No. Maybe a week or two ago they met each other.." Namjoon nodded "That is strange." Taehyung lifted his eyebrow "Why?"
"His clothes were found in Samsung-dong, and Mr.Parks hair was found on them." Taehyung frowned "Well, I sometimes go to the bar he owns. They gave each other a hug one time maybe it is from that. Do not dare to suspect Jimin he would never do such things he is of high class and is no criminal."

Namjoon smiled "Do not worry Mr.Kim we were not suspecting Mr. Park at all." Taehyung nodded "But.. Did you already find something about Hoseok?" "Not yet... But my team is suspecting he was raped and then disposed of at the sea site. My team is investigating there while I search here in town." Taehyung face turned white "R-raped..."

Namjoon sighed "We found his clothes, and four footprints of heavy male shoes, rope and a peace of wood with what we believe was covered in blood.."
Taehyung shook his head "I think you are confusing this case with another one." "I know that this may sound ridiculous, it is strange for us to even investigate a disapearance of a low clas. We had to because he knows people like you."

Taehyung rolled his eyes, he stuck out the box of matches towards Namjoon "I think we are done here." Taehyung said with an annoyed tone. Namjoon smiled and grabbed the little box out of Taehyungs hand. He immediately walked passed him but was stopped "I do not think we are done here Mr.Kim."

"How so. My time is precious."
Namjoon smirked "So is mine, everybody can see what a distressed man you are at the moment. You have not sleepen well for some time I believe." Taehyungs sighed "All was well, until I saw your face. The hideous features will hunt me till I die." Namjoon laughed

Namjoon narrowed his eyes but still the same smirk on his face "Knowing that I am talking to somebody who commits to sodomy, is enough to hang myself  Kim Taehyung."

Taehyung rolled his eyes "What do you know?" Namjoon clapped in his hand which echoed down the alleyway "I heard disgusting rumors about a high class that made me want to jump of the highest Point in Korea so I will never have to hear it again."

Taehyung raised his eyebrows "Good, that is so brave of you to say. But.. Let us be honest with each other old friend, you were not all to innocent either. It surprises me to see you have become a police officer when you know zero things about our law. Strange to me, the only reason you got that job is because you beg for everything."

Namjoon's face turned into a stone face no emotion whatsoever
"Creating nude paintings for your own pleasures isn't quite According to the law either is it?" Taehyung smirked "These paintings are asked on request and or demand, nothing illegal."

"How about your dad." Taehyung stared at Namjoon with big eyes "What.." Namjoon smirked "Was what he was doing also not illegal."
Taehyung shook his head "What are you talking abo-"

"Having sex with underage people isn't quite the role model young kids shall be looking up to. Look what it created, mind asking what about his friends. Sodomy seems to be in the family, no?"

Taehyung bit his lip to stay quit, he shut his eyes and turned his head
"How old were you when you met his friends.. Ten.. Eleven... My father handled that ca-" Taehyung pushed Namjoon harshly back against the wall

"You did not come here to retell my life, talk to me again when things are hear about Hoseok." Namjoon smiled "Ofcourse."
Taehyung stormed off angrily



So school just finished, I will get my results in like a week. But uhmm.. I think I'll fail and have to redo my year.. I'm going to jump of a building

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