-Chapter 16-

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Taehyung looked at Hoseok whit hazy eyes, he was a scared that he dint remember what happened in the bar and outside "Hoseok.. Should we not calm down, you blacked out thirty minutes ago." Hoseok frowned and looked at Taehyung whit puppy eyes, he seemed to not understand the words coming out of his mouth "..Hoseok.. You should rest, that is what my grandma always told me." Hoseok sighed, he bent a bit forward wrapping his arms around Taehyungs neck "If you say so.." Taehyung smiled and wrapped his arms around Hoseoks waist. He could feel Hoseoks warm breath in his neck "Hoseok....was that really your fathers  employer?" "Yeah..." "What would happen if he told your father?" "I don't know but nothing good, he will probably loose his work and he will hate me for the rest of my life if he finds out about.. Us..only because his family line will not be continued " Taehyung frowned "He should be happy that his son has such great taste in men. I mean, I am caring, helpfull, wealthy and I look great." Hoseok scoffed "True.. But he does not approve because you are male."

Taehyung frowned "Your grandfather does, why can't he pass down some intelligence down to his son?" Hoseok shot up and hit Taehyung against the back of his head "That is my father you are talking about!" "Yeah, your father needs the mind his own father has." Hoseok smiled "Mhm.. We can't change it can we.." Taehyung sighed "We can't.."


Taehyung was awakened by the sound of people yelling and screaming outside, he was a bit stunned because this never happened before, he noticed that Hoseok was laying down beside him still asleep. He looked so angelic, it annoyed him that the noise from outside could possibly wake him up, out of anger he got out of his bed and quickly grabbed his robe. He quickly put it on because he was freezing. He tried to walk out the room as quit as possible and succeeded, he gently closed the door and walked down his stairs and immediately stormed out his door

Once he looked towards the street he saw a bunch of people, he walked down to the street and was immediately pushed back by his 'security' he watched as two people walked towards him. They were wearing an officer uniform so Taehyung was a bit stunned "Sir, some people have expressed great concern about this area and the high class living here." Taehyung rolled his eyes "How come, what may cause such and uproar then? The people that live here are all respectful young men I know and have great bonds whit. What may be the problem?"
The officers looked at each other "They believe that this area is filled whit men who commit to Sodomite." Taehyung blinked a few times

"If that is so, why are these low borns in front of my home?" "Because they see a well dressed low Born walk in and out of this house." Taehyung frowned "Can't a man invite over friends?" the officer just stared at Taehyung, his words were said in a serious tone and was said to be believable, his charming gestures and elegant expression is all you need to believe him but they can't "these people believe that it is a man of the night coming to visit you, and have fallen into a pit where they believe you commit to sodomite as well." "I believe that I do not have to explain my private life to anybody other than my family. If you may excuse it is early in the morning I am still tired, have a wonderful day." Taehyung turned around but was quickly stopped by a loud screech

"Kim Taehyung!" He did not turn around because he did not care "How dare you still go through whit your weird behavior even after your own father has passed a miserable death." Taehyung sighed the voice of his mother was enough for him to go deaf
"What has that man done for me other than pester me?" the madam sighed and placed a hand on her heart "You dare speak ill about your father in the Presence of high class?" "I dare to do more, more than you think off."
"Taehyung, my son.. I have raised you  whit such love and care. I have done nothing wrong in your Education to raise you to turn into a respectfull noble man!" Taehyung scoffed "You never even looked back at me! Madam cared for me, you cussed her out all day long and made her to impossible tasks and she still stayed loyal to this family, you forgot everything she did for us as soon as something went down hill. You did not raise me one bit, the wrong things you only thought me.. "
" Madam betrayed this family time and time again, stealing and lying was all she did. No work was done when she was there!"

Taehyung turned around and looked at his mother that he Despised greatly
"How can you say all this when you yourself never even took time to care for your own children? My sister did not even stay in this country because she is afraid for you, once madam died she left me on my own and fled because she was scared you would find her.. No kid shall be afraid for their parents but yet we we're!" His mother looked down at the ground "I don't have weird behavior, you all have crazy minds and this crazy ideal of what you want this world to be. Wake up and deal whit it all, I do with what I feel good and comfortable with. Whatever you people do is out of my league and I do not care. Get on whit your life and get away from my home!"
Taehyung turned around and walked towards his house he heard talking but did not really care, he said what he said and won't ever take it back

Okay about the grammys, how rigged is that shit, how did they not win. BTS is head and shoulders above America and they have the world in the palm of their hand. The biggest Fandom in the world break every record and have 24 guinness world records how I don't know but anyways
Stay safe, love you <3

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