-Chapter 21-

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"Honey, have you heard anything of Hoseok?" A stern voice muttered across the room "About Hoseok.. No... He is probably staying with a friend and having a good time, he is wise enough to stay safe."
A faint voice responded "Yeah, but it is quite strange that he did not come home for almost five days is it not?"

"Can you two stop talking about Hoseok, he is staying with a friend he told us did he not?" They both nodded, the old man rolled his eyes "Now quit bickering about it, Hoseok is safe. If he was dead or something the police would be at our door right now." They both calmed down a bit, Hoseok was safe.. Right?


Taehyung opened his eyes when the clashing of a liquor echoed throughout the the big room, he covered his ears and groaned "Quite.."
He quickly picked up the bottle to prevent it from spilling more on the Carpet "Damn it.. What now!" He yelled out when he heard knocking on the door

Stumbling over to the door he opened it with an annoyed look, that quickly faded when he saw his friend stand there "Hey, How are yo-" Jimin stopped talking and quickly pushed Taehyung inside and shut the door

"You reek of alcohol!" Jimin shouted out at him "So." "Quit it, do you think you will find Hoseok like this?!" Taehyung shrugged and rolled his eyes "Hoseok is probably dead.."

Jimin sighed "Do not think like that, I am sure he is still alive." Taehyung shook his head and laughed "He is not, Hoseok is probably dead, faced down in a gutter while a drunk is rap-"
Taehyung frowned when a firm hit was felt on his head "Do not say it!"

Taehyung sighed "Sorry..." Jimin sighed "Have you even cleaned up your house, do you think Hoseok would like to live a pigs nest?" Taehyung shook his head "Not at all, Hoseok is a clean person."

Jimin nodded "Exactly! Now clean your damn house Taehyung, you cannot loose hope for him." Taehyung Nodded slowly "How do I tell his family?" Jimin paused "They do not know that he is gone?!" "I dont know anything about them, if they would know do you not think they would Marge inside my home?"

Taehyung turned around and walked towards his couch, Jimin followed shortly. The clacking of his shoes echoed throughout the house "Can you help me clean?" jimin frowned "Taehyung, is it not about time you get personell for this." "No, then I cannot do the things I please." Jimin nodded "Of course." "Same goes For You, why do you not have any personell?"
Jimin raised his eyebrows "I do actually, I have two servants." "Yeah because they went to your bar." "Mhm, still."

Taehyung started picking up the bottles and putting it on the table, while Jimin was re-adjusting the blankets


They were both cleaning in silence for the past half hour, Taehyung sighed loudly which stopped Jimin "Jimin.." "Yeah?" "Do you think that Hoseok will come back.. What if he just, ran away or something. Maybe he got scared that poeple might have found out about our relationship together..."

Jimin shook his head "No, why would he?" "It is just... Annoying.. And frustrating that I cannot hug him or see him.." Taehyungs shaky voice echoed through the room, Jimin quickly ran up to Taehyung and hugged him tightly "I can see that it makes you upset, but if you think like this, it will only seem to take longer. I am a hundred percent sure that Hoseok is alive. He might not be in the best situation or anything, but he is thinking about you."

Taehyung hugged Jimin back "If I find out that he is hurt, and I know that persons name...he is dead, not even a day will go by." A dark aura sparked over Taehyung suddenly which made Jimin swallow loudly "Are you saying that you'd kill him?" Taehyung let go of Jimin and grabbed his hands tightly "Yes. Wouldn't you do the same."

"I..I would not, I cannot kill somebody, I can barely kill a fly myself." Jimins shaky voice and trembling body made Taehyung confused "Why are you shaking like this?" "Taehyung, you just said you would kill somebody. Ofcourse I am a little shocked." Taehyung smiled "Yeah.. Stay with me."

Jimin looked confused at Taehyung, Taehyung just pulled Jimin closer "Stay with me Hyung." "W-Why?"
"Are you not going to comfort a friend, I do not want to be alone right now. Usually I would have Hoseok to spend time with in this big house, now that he is not here..it makes me anxious to stay alone here."

Jimin frowned "I... I want to, but somebody rented the bar for tonight. I have to open it is a big party, after that I can come." "Hyung..."
Jimin nodded slowly "You are not scared of me are you?" "No, Just.. How late is it?" Taehyung looked at the clock on the wall "Nearly nine pm."

Jimin pulled his hands back "I have to go open the bar, I am sorry. I will come back for tonight, just clean some more okay and make sure you eat well." Jimin quickly turned around making his way for the door. Taehyung watched as panicked Jimin left his house
"Hyung? Why so scared mhm.." A mischievous smirk crawled on his face


"Please stop.." Hoseoks faint voice was  Hearable in the room "Are you going to beg now?" Hoseok nodded "Please... Let me go.. I will not tell a soul, I promise." The man chuckled while pulling Hoseok up and placing him on the wooden table "Even if you would die with this as a secret it would not make a difference for me."

Hoseoks jaw started quivering and his eyes started getting watery. The man parted Hoseoks legs "You seem to be very good at this position." Hoseok shook his head "Stop, please!" The man placed his hands On Hoseoks body slowly tracing its features up to his face "You look beautiful." Hoseok turned his head sideways "Oh, are we getting shy?"

He grabbed Hoseoks hair and turned his head back to its original position "Do not dare to look away. You did not seem so shy when Mr.Kim was touching you." Hoseoks faint whimpers just sounded like music to the man's ears

Hoseok flinched when he heard another voice shout "do not fucking touch him!" the man rolled his eyes and turned around letting go of Hoseok "Sir what is the problem, you said I could do whatever I please." "Anything, but do not dare to put your dick inside him!"

"What is the problem now!" The boy grabbed the man by his collar and pulled him closer, he pointed at Hoseok "That boy, Is more valuable than you think! We might die if the wrong thing happens to him."
The man shrugged "What do you mean sir?"

"Mr.Kim is more posesive of him then. You fucking think!"

Sorry it took so long, I haven't been feeling well lately. But anyways have a good night/day/evening love you, stay safe <3

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