-Chapter 14-

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"Jeong Hoon! Where are you!" A broad angry man entered the bar, everybody went silent and stared, when a small boy stood up from his chair, his face was getting all pale. He must've been terrefied

"F-father..what cause is there to make such noise." He bowed and questioned, Taehyung and Hoseok looked at each other. They where confused because of this uproar in the calm bar

The man walked up to his son and hit him in his face "How dare you set a foot in this Disgusting place!" the young man was trembling whit fright "Father...w-what do you mean.."

"You know darn well what I am saying. You hear these words coming out of my mouth!" the boy bowed and turned his head when Jimin spoke up from across the bar

"Sir! Please don't make such a theater piece in my bar. I am not correcting you, but please don't hit your son infront of all these poeple. You are embarrassing him and yourself, get out now please." Jimin was calm yet the stare he got was utterly a crazy person, if it was possible his soul would be ripped out and devoured by. Him

The man walked up to the bar standing next Hoseok, but, Hoseok had a strange feeling that he had seen him before so just turning his head was all he could do right now "What do you think a poor bartened is talking to me in such a disrespectful manner."

Jimin rolled his eyes and put down his glass "Don't start whit me, go home." he was getting annoyed whit the strange man

The man bumped into Hoseok making Hoseok sigh a bit, Jimin noticed and immediately spoke out about it "Sir, you are bothering my clients." The man seemed offended

"Your clients. Your clients are all engaging in sodomite, that is absolutely unacceptable. And My poor son is being dragged into all of this!" Jimin stook out his hand pointing towards the exit "Leave."

Jimin was staying relatively calm but his blood was boiling and his was fed up by this man "Nobody tells me to leave! How disrespectful of you!"

Taehyung noticed that Jimin was getting visibly upset and annoyed "You come in here, attack one of my clients call my bar a name, verbally attack me. This is not what I want, leave now or I'm getting an officer."
Jimin hit the top of the counter

Taehyung stood up grabbing the attention of the man "Mr.Choi, is there a problem?" The man was surprised seeing Taehyungs face here

"Mr.Kim...What brings you here?"
Taehyung chuckled a bit "I love this bar for its aura and kind nature, but yet..Your Vulgar mouth is trashing this bar? How come? Some filthy rumors crossed your path gaining your attention in the wrong way. It is a bar just like every other, nothing nasty is going in here as you can see." Taehyung looked around the room and a small smile got on his face" Mr.Kim it is not what what you th-"

He was cut off by Taehyung "Did you think there where going to be naked Men commiting to sodomy here for everyone to join and watch?" Taehyung questioned the man thoroughly "I do think that ofcourse I do, not today but I'm sure it happens."

Hoseok stood up, he felt sick to his stomach, the smell of Cigars was getting to him. He went to leave for the bathroom only to be stopped by him "Hoseok, Jung Hoseok right?"
His face got completely white "Y-yes sir." Taehyung got confused and stared at Hoseok

"What brings you to such place, does your father know?" the man immediately got a smirk on his face "M-my dad..." Hoseok gulped a bit before looking back at him "Yeah, Mr.Jung, I don't think he would be so pleased to hear about this. And to believe how he brags about you and your new lover and how perfect you and her are together mean while, you come to such a disgrace of a place."

oseok was now almost trembling

"Father please..dont." The son faintly said, he was deeply ashamed and felt sorry for Hoseok "Hush. You can not talk to me before I figure out what you have been doing here all along."
Taehyung noticed that Hoseok felt terrible

"Well, Hoseok. Say hello to your father from me. I wonder how happy he will be to hear about this tomorrow. Good evening Mr. Kim."
Taehyung stood up in disbelief, they watched as the man dragged his son towards the exit

Hoseok ran towards the Mr. Choi and pulled on his arm in despair " You can not tell my father, please!" the man turned around letting go of his son slowly facing Hoseok "You dare pull on a noble mans his arm." Hoseok let go of the arm and sighed he just wanted to cry

"Please! I will do anything, just Do not tell him!" Hoseok was completely desperate now "Mhm... I do not think I can do anything for you anymore, you sealed your fait, so did all of you actually. Shame on each and everyone of you." Mr. Choi waved before shutting the door

"Hoseok, he is probably fooling whit your head." Hoseok turned towards Taehyung "I'm dead, Do you know that man? He will tell about me, about all of us." Poeple started whispering and some started faintly crying

"This is not right, we should be able to do what we want yet we can't!" a male yelled out from the whispers, Taehyung nodded "This is all we can do, everyone, it is better to go home and think about what next." Taehyung grabbed his coat and Hoseok's coat, he placed money on the counter and smiled at Jimin

He headed towards Hoseok wrapping his arm around his back tightly, he took him outside closing the door calmy

"It is okay...we will get through this."
Taehyung faintly said hoping to comfort Hoseok, but a strange feeling came from Hoseok "Ta-Taehyung...I don't.. Feel s-so good..."
Taehyung faced Hoseok and watched in terror "Hoseok-ah!"

Love you, stay safe <3

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