-Chapter 19-

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Hoseok slowly opened his eyes as he heard the door creaking, the moonlight was visible again. The tall broad man was visible again "Still awake I see, well I suppose you are bored are you not?" Hoseok stayed still but just frowned "Are you also done having your little tantrum?"

The man approached Hoseok and started untying his hand from the wooden chair "You know, you kicked me pretty hard. It is a bit bruised, but I do not mind, as you will be in even more pain once I get you out of here."

The man hit his head as if he made a mistake "Ahh... Of course you cannot answer my questions, you still have the peace of fabric in ur mouth. Let me take it out for you."

As soon as he took the fabric out, and Hoseoks hands were finally untied. Hoseok jumped up and pushed the man out of his way immediately running for the door, but his leg was injured so he was very slow

The cold breeze brushing up against his bare body did not stop him from moving forward, he has no clue where he is but that does not matter to him. He wants to get out of here

Hoseok could feel the man walk up behind him, his breath got heavier. The man would catch up eventually Hoseok was moving as fast as a trotting dog

However, he fell to the ground when he stepped on a peace of glass with his bare foot. A small yelp came from, he turned his had and the man was now directly in front of him "Stop please! Who are you!"

He pleaded before he got a firm slap in his face "Shut up before everybody hears!" The man placed his hand over Hoseok's mouth and pushed his head onto the cold ground

Hoseok was kicking his legs in the air and Scratching the mans arms with his nails "That doesn't hurt me." He quickly pushed Hoseoks arms to the ground and straddled Hoseok locking his arms under his legs

Hoseoks hushed cries we're echoing through the alleyway. The man turned Hoseoks head to his and looked at his closed eyes "Why do you cry, Are you a toddler?"

Hoseok placed his feet onto the ground and pushed his torse up trying to get the man off of him "Hmm, great try. But both your legs are injured now, you only brought that upon yourself did you not?"

Hoseok shook his head. The man pulled his hand back from his mouth "I do not know why, but Taehyung is making an uproar in town. He has no clue where you are and it is making him insane. What makes you so special?" Hoseok frowned

"Is it the sex that he loved the most?" Hoseoks tears were rolling down his cheeks ".. I-I want to see Taehyung..."
The man rolled his eyes "You are just with him for his rank are you not?"

"PLEASE GET OFF OF ME!" Hoseok felt so uncomfortable with what was being asked, he just wanted to go to Taehyung and Feel safe..

"Was it true?" "WAS WHAT TRUE!" Hoseok regretted it screaming that loud. He was punched in his chest very hardly "Do not scream like that. I do not enjoy listening to it." Hoseok had the feeling as if he was going to throw up

The man grabbed a glass shard that was laying around and pressed it against Hoseok's throat "Do it again. And this will go through your throa-"
He was cut off by another man

"What are you doing?" A soft voice was now the only noise "I..." The man quickly covered Hoseok's with his vest "You are not planning on killing him are you. As that is not what I pay you for is it?" The man shook his head "No sir, ofcourse not. It is not what this is looking like."

"Good. Get him out of here, he should have already been there. Why is it taking so long?" "Something unexpected happened, sorry sir." "Tch.. It is fine. Make sure it does not happen again. Otherwise, off with your head." The man nodded nd stood up, Hoseok quickly tried crawling away but was picked up by his waist

"Does he not weigh heavy?" "Not at all, I had first mistaken him for a girl when I saw him. He looks so thin and Un masculine I did no-" "I do not care, we need to hurry. We are already late. What if the night guards come what do we do then?"

Hoseok started moving his legs trying to get out of the man's string grip "... Let me... Go!" Hoseok murmured out underneath the fabric covering his face, as his legs we're up in the air moving from left to right he accidentally kicked the noble man that was next to him. A disgusted gaze was seen upon his face "Did this lowborns leg just touch me?"

The noble man signaled for The man to drop Hoseok, Hoseok hit the ground hard "Take that off of his head." "Ofcourse." Hoseok looked around. He couldn't see anything it was so dark. Not even the two men infront of him "You need to now your cla-" He was cut off by Hoseok who suddenly screamed at the top of his lungs for help

The two men shot into a state of pure panic trying to shut the smaller up "Stop making such noise I command!"
Hoseok could feel the hits on his arms and torso but did not care at this point. Tears of panic rushed down his face "Please anybody!HELP ME!" Hoseok frowned when he felt His ankle under pressure. The man was standing on Hoseoks leg trying to shut him up, and sadly.. It worked

The three males quickly turned there heads when a small light was visible from a house nearby "Hello?"
This was Hoseoks chance....

How worse can it get.. Well, you ain't seen nothing yet.


Apart from the story, BTS their comeback, at first I loved it with the dark theme, then it switched and went to something soft. The mv yet to come was in that style wich I don't enjoy because I like songs with a little bit of a rougher beat. But then RUNBTS. MY GOD THAT SONG IS FIRE
(if you want to say anything abt the comeback put CB* in front of it, so I don't mix them up)

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