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"Oh so you are Jung Hoseok" she said still smirking "huh yes i am, do you have any problem?" Hoseok said confused.

"Oh no, why would I have any problem?" She said then she left from there.  "huh?" Hoseok was confused but ignored and again started to play with Jimin and was interrupted by Jin.

"Hey Hoseok can you go there to take their order please" Jin said to Hoseok.

"Of course Jinnie, hold Jimin for me" Hoseok said to Jin and handed him Jimin then Jin holded Jimin.

As soon as Hoseok left from there to go to Jungkook's table to take orders from them, Jin smirked.

"Guess what Jimin, today your Mama will meet your appa" Jin said to Jimin while looking at him.

Hoseok went to them and was a little shocked looking at the same girl from before, but he was more shocked when he saw Jungkook, Hoseok's eyes looked like they are gonna pop out very soon.

"Oh god Jungkook is here, i think that is why Jin hyung told me to take orders and not others, Oh but wait he doesn't even know how do i look like" Hoseok thought to himself.

"Hello sir, what do you want to order?" Hoseok politely asked to Hyunjin first.

Hoseok was feeling someone's gaze on him but he ingnored it or tried to.


Jungkook and his friends were talking to each other but turned their heads towards Lisa who  entered inside and sat beside Jungkook.

After some time some one entered inside they guessed it was waiter.

But Jungkook was mesmerized by his beauty, his heart was beating so fast, he almost forgot about why he came here.

When he asked Hyunjin about what he wants to order, Jungkook was mesmerized by his voice also.

Every thing about him was beautiful and when he looked at his name tag, he thought.

" Hmm so he is The Jung Hoseok mom and dad were talking about, wow he is really beautiful " he was just looking at him Hoseok found him creepy when he saw that Jungkook was staring at him for too long.

Jungkook was snapped up from his thoughts by someone touching his shoulder.

When he looked at his side, he saw Lisa was the one who touched his shoulder and Hoseok was gone after taking their order.

"Oh i am going to the restroom ok" Jungkook said and left from there and saw his brother was holding a baby who was crying loudly and his brother was trying to calm the baby.

Jungkook gaze then went up on Hoseok who was walking as fast as he can towards Jin and took the baby from Jin and left from there with a crying baby in his.

Jungkook followed Hoseok.


Hoseok took their orders and left from there and gave it to his fellow waiter who went to kitchen.

His heart was beating so fast when Jungkook staring at him but it was also creepy at same time.

He was really scared from him and that lady from before was looking at him with a murdering gaze.

"What if it was Jungkook's girlfriend" Hoseok thought to himself feeling pain in his heart while thinking about it but he shrugged it off.

Hoseok saw Jimin crying in the arms of Jin who tried his best to make him calm but was unsuccessful.

Hoseok walked towards Jin as fast as he can and took Jimin from him,
He realised that Jimin was hungry so he left from and went to a place which was most of the was empty.

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