Chapter 23

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Charlotte's POV

"Charlotte," Giovanni says in a very serious tone.

"Yes," I say looking up at him. I don't know why I feel so anxious. He looks around at my brothers before speaking again.

"Why would you not tell us?" He asks.

"You never asked," I say. 

"The truth," he asks me again. 

"That is," I say defending myself.

"We all know it's not," he says. I can tell he doesn't want to deal with my sarcasm but sucks for him.

"Then if you know it's a lie you also know the truth right Mr. Smarty pants," I say sarcasm dripping off each word.

"Cut it out with the attitude," Nic says. He's never really yelled at me before. I shrink back into the coach and start to crack my knuckles. A common thing I do when anxious or unsure of what to do.

"Because I want to hear it from you," Gio says.

"Why? Because it's a stupid fear? You want to laugh at me. This is why I kept it a secret!" I yell standing up. I turn to leave, but I don't make it far.

"Charlotte Grace Giordano sit back down now!" Gio full names me. I sit back down as fast as I possibly can. "I want to hear it from you because I want you to know it's not true and never will be. We are here for you and have been since the day you were born. Please trust us," he says begging at the end. I just nod.

"Can we make a deal next time something this big is being kept as a secret we will tell each other," he continues. I look up and as I was about to nod I remember the verbal response.

"Yes," I agree. Why are you agreeing when they are hiding their occupation from you? Stop it brain.  

"Charlie," Vinny says getting my attention. Once he notices me looking at him he continues. "How many languages do you speak?" He asks. So now they ask. He seems a bit sad that he has no idea what my answer would be.

"10," I answer. My brothers all look shocked. I don't know why did they really not look that closely into my file, they're in the Mafia for Christ's sake shouldn't they notice small details?

"What are those 10?" Bruno asks. I take a breath before answering.

"Russian, French, English, Spanish, Japanese, Greek, Italian, German, ASL, and Portuguese," I respond. 

"Holy shit," Luca says. He gets a few looks from the older three before quietly saying sorry. 

"Did you hear anything?" Sandro asks. I can tell the question is directed towards me. I just put on a confused face. "When we spoke Italian in front of you," he says like it was the most obvious thing. I mean it was but I was hoping if I acted confused then someone would change the topic.

"What do you mean? I don't remember everything you guys say. I guess then the main one is why you had to lock the cabinet," I tell him.

"And you still don't have more questions about the cabinet," he keeps questioning. Is this an interrogation?

"No should I? Am I missing something?" I say looking at all my brothers. I know I'm lying through my teeth, but my finger has been in the same spot this whole time so I may actually get out of this one. I look around and none of my brothers answer. The older three then exchange looks and Nic starts coming over to me. I tilt my head to the side slightly to seem confused. He sits next to me and leans in. I can feel his breath against my ear and I hate the feeling. I want to move away, but I know he'll move again. All I can do is wait for him to move however long that may be.

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